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Book review – Atar Livneh: Summaries of the history of Israel in the horizon of Hellenistic-Roman cultural encounter

Atar Livneh: Studies on Jewish and Christian. Historical Summaries from the Helleneistic and Early Roman Periods Contributions to Biblical Exgesis […]

Reinhard Kirste 26 February 2020 26 February 2020 Abraham, apocalypsis, Bible, chronology, Flavius Josephus, genealogy, Hellenism, inculturation, judaism, Mishna, Moses, narration, religious pluralism, Roman Empire, summary, Talmud
James Warren, The Pleasures of Reason in Plato, Aristotle, and the Hellenistic Hedonists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014. Reseña de Facundo Bey, publicada en Boletín de Estética, AÑO XII | INVIERNO 2016 | Nº 36, ISSN 2408-4417.
Facundo Bey 1 May 2018 1 May 2018 Aesthetics, Aristóteles, Aristotle, Classical Greek Philosophy, Cyrenaics, Estética, Estética Y Política, Estoicismo, Filosofía Antigua, Filosofia Griega Clásica, Hedonism, Hedonismo, Helenismo, Hellenism, Placer, Plato, Plato and Neoplatonism, Platón, Pleasure, Rationalism
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