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Janssens, J. F. (2017). “Tussen de wapens en het volk Vlaamse en Europese solidariteit met de Guatemalteekse revolutie, 1979-1996”, Brood & Rozen, nr. 1, pp. 4-37.
Joren Janssens 10 March 2018 10 March 2018 European solidarity, Flanders, Guatemala, Latin America, liberation theology, solidarity, solidarity movement, transnational
The quest for solidarity without victory: constraining the Guatemalan guerrilla (1979-1996)

CONFERENCE PAPER presented at International solidarity movements in the Low Countries. New Perspectives and Themes, Université Libre de Bruxelles, 26th-27th […]

Joren Janssens 10 March 2018 10 March 2018 Flanders, Guatemala, guerrilla, liberation theology, Low Countries, solidarity, transnational solidarity
Janssens, J. F. (2016). Hun strijd, onze strijd? Vlaamse solidariteit met de Guatemalteekse revolutionaire volksopstand vanuit een transnationaal perspectief, 1979-1996.

Their battle, our battle? Flemish solidarity with the Guatemalan revolutionary insurgency from a transnational perspective, 1979-1996. Reflecting on global solidarity […]

Joren Janssens 10 March 2018 10 March 2018 armed conflict, Flemish Guatemala Committee, Guatemala, new social movement, Third World movement, transnational solidarity
Amici Curiae – Caso Comunidad de Laguna Larga, Guatemala (Amparo 01010-2017 -00214)

Amici Curiae presentado por el Centro de Estudios de Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán. Caso Comunidad de Laguna […]

Centro de Estudios de Derechos Humanos 29 August 2018 29 August 2018 derecho a la vivienda, desplazamientos forzado interno, Guatemala, medio ambiente
Viewing 1-4 of 4 docs