As a published academic, my research interests include Afrofuturism, postcolonial studies, speculative fiction and digital pedagogy. I am an advocate of widening participation and inclusion and I’m part of a diverse network of professional collaborators within educational and creative industry contexts.
I have experience in teaching, mentoring and supporting students in a range of settings. My qualifications include an MA in Literature and Digital Culture, (Distinction), a First class degree in English, a PGCE Literacy Specialists PCET, a Diploma in Freelance Journalism and a Diploma in Educational Psychology.
I am on the Editorial Review Board for Essence and Critique: Journal of Literature and Drama Studies.
I enjoy creative writing and reached the third round of the BritWriters Awards in 2010 for a collection of poetry. In 2015, I was a collaborative scriptwriter and performer for the DNweekND festival. Education
2020 Diploma in Freelance Journalism British College of Journalism
2017 MA Literature and Digital Culture (Distinction) University of Hull
2012 PGCE Literacy Specialists PCET (Grade 1) Sheffield Hallam University
2011 BA(Hons)English (1st Class) University of Hull Publications
‘Crossing Borders and Hearing Voices: The Interstitial Nature of
Teaching Octavia E Butler’s short story “Speech Sounds” in conjunction with the graphic novel adaptation of
Kindred’ in
Teaching 20th and 21st century US Short Fiction (MLA Options for Teaching series) (forthcoming 2023)
‘The Changing Face of Higher Education from a Widening Participation Context During the Covid- 19 Pandemic’ in
BESA Educational Futures (forthcoming 2023)
Infinitum: An Afrofuturistic Tale by Tim Fielder. Book review. Published in
The BSFA Review Autumn Edition #15. 5th October 2021
The Despatialization of Communication: Grass Roots Observations from a College-based Higher Education Context’ Published in
Academia Letters August 2021 Article 2730 15th September 2021
‘Broadcasting change: in empathic dialogue with Duffy and Jennings’s graphic novel adaptation of Octavia Butler’s
Parable of the Sower’ published in
Vector BSFA. 5th February 2021
‘“I want to live forever and breed people!”: The Legacy of a Fantasy’ in
The Bloomsbury Handbook to Octavia E Butler 20th February 2020
‘Plugged in or turned off: A critical reflection on the digital literacy of 21st century students in higher education’ EdContexts International Network of Educators. 10th September 2015
Currently adapting a conference paper ‘The City as Detritus in N K Jemisin’s Short Fiction’ for submission to Roczniki Humanistyczne (Annals of Arts) vol 11 Anglica 2023
Researching the African Burial Ground (New York) Memberships