Asa Simon Mittman Professor California State University, Chico Commons username: @asmittman Following 0 members View ProfileActivitySites 3Following 0Followers 10Groups 10ForumsDocs 0 Academic InterestsCartographyCartography and literatureDisability studiesEarly medieval artGlobal Middle AgesHistory of cartographyLate Medieval ArtManuscript cultureMaps in literatureMedievalMedieval artMedieval Art and ArchitectureMedieval englandMedieval English literatureMedieval manuscriptsMedieval studiesMiddle AgesmonstersMonstrosity Commons GroupsHCBiblical StudiesEarly MedievalGlobal & Transnational StudiesMedical HumanitiesMedieval ArtMedieval English LiteratureMedieval StudiesMonsters and MonstrosityPublic HumanitiesThe Medieval landscape/seascape Recent Commons Activity deposited Asa Simon Mittman, Karen Pint… deposited Asa Simon Mittman, Anti-Race?… in the group Monsters and Monstrosity CVView file KCWorksBook sectionAsa Simon Mittman, Karen Pinto, and Cordell Yee, “Mapping the Worlds of the Global Middle Ages,” with, in Teaching the Global Middle Ages, ed. Geraldine Heng, MLA Options for Teaching (New York: MLA, 2022) (2022)Asa Simon Mittman, Anti-Race? The Need for Colour-Sightedness in Medieval and Renaissance Studies, in A Cultural History of Race in the Renaissance and Early Modern Age, ed. Kim Coles and Dorothy Kim, 2022 (2022)MEARCSTAPA: TEN YEARS OF TERATOLOGY (2020)The Vercelli Map (2019)Mapping Global Middle Ages, Toward a Global Middle Ages (2019)Giants of Old (2017)Asa Simon Mittman, “Mandeville’s Jews, Colonialism, Certainty, and Art History,” Postcolonising the Medieval Image (2017)“Robed in Martyrdom: The Flaying of Saint Bartholomew in the Laudario of Sant’Agnese,” with Christine Sciacca, Flaying in the Pre-Modern World, ed. Larissa Tracy (Woodbridge: Boydell, 2017) (2017)Susan Kim and Asa Simon Mittman, “Keeping History: Images, Texts, Ciphers, and the Franks Casket,” with Susan Kim, in A Material History of Medieval and Early Modern Ciphers, ed. K Ellison and S Kim (New York: Routledge, 2017) (2017)“Monstrous Iconography,” with Susan M. Kim, Companion to Medieval Iconography, ed. Colum Hourihane (New York: Routledge, 2017) (2017)Rocks of Jerusalem: Bringing the Holy Land Home (2017)“Giants of Old” in Tiny Book of Mammoth Molars (2017)Asa Simon Mittman, “In Those Days: Giants And The Giant Moses In The Old English Illustrated Hexateuch,” Imagining the Jew: Jewishness in Anglo-Saxon Literature and Culture, ed. Samantha Zacher (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2016) (2016)Asa Simon Mittman, “This Would Be Better If I Had a Co-Author,” How We Write, ed. Suzanne Akbari (Brooklyn: Punctum Books, 2015) (2015)“Locating the Devil ‘Her’ in MS Junius 11,” with Susan M. Kim, Gesta 54:1 (2015) (2015)“Inverting the Panopticon: Google Earth, Wonder and Earthly Delights,” Literature Compass, ed. Elaine Treharne, 9/12: 938–954 (2012)“Navigating Myriad Distant Worlds,” Lo Sguardo, N. 9 (II): “Spazi del Mostruoso; Luoghi Filosofici della Monstruosià,” (2012): 35-46 (2012)“Answering the Call of the Severed Head,” Heads Will Roll: Decapitation Motifs in Medieval Literature, ed. Larissa Tracy (Leiden: Brill, 2012) (2012)Research Companion to Monsters and the Monstrous (2012)“Introduction: The Impact of Monsters and Monster Studies,” in Research Companion to Monsters and the Monstrous, ed. Asa Simon Mittman, with Peter Dendle (London: Ashgate, 2012), 1-14 (2012)“Monsters and the Exotic in Early Medieval England,” The Oxford Handbook of Medieval Literature in English, ed. Elaine Treharne and Greg Walker (Oxford University Press, March 2010) (2010)“The Exposed Body and the Gendered Blemmye: Reading the Wonders of the East,” with Susan Kim, Fundamentals of Medieval and Early Modern Culture, v. 3, The History of Sexuality in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance, ed. by Albrecht Classen and Marilyn Sandidge (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008) (2008)“The Other Close at Hand: Gerald of Wales and the ‘Marvels of the West,'” in The Monstrous Middle Ages, eds. Robert Mills and Bettina Bildhauer (Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 2003), 97-112 (2003)Journal articleEngland is the World and the World is England (2019)Asa Simon Mittman and Sherry C.M. Lindquist, “Here There Be Dragons,” Antiques (May/June 2018) (2018)Bryant and Mittman, Travels of the Blemmye-Folke, LISTENING 52.3.pdf (2017)“Rebuilding the Fabulated Bodies of the Hoard-Warriors,” with Patricia MacCormack, postmedieval (2016) 7, 356–368. (2016)“Are the ‘monstrous races’ races?” postmedieval 6:1 (Spring 2015): 36–51 (2015)“Of Wood and Bone: Crafting Living Things,” Preternature: Critical and Historical Studies on the Preternatural, Volume 4, Number 1, 2015, pp. 110-124 (2015)“A Blank Space: Mandeville, Maps, and Possibility,” Peregrinations: Journal of Medieval Art & Architecture 5:2 (Autumn 2015) (2015)“Introduction to Mappings,” with Dan Terkla, Peregrinations: The Official Publication of the International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art, vol. IV:I (2013): 134-160 (2013)“Gates, Hats, and Naked Jews: Sorting out the Nubian Guards on the Ebstorf Map,” FKW: Zeitschrift für Geschlechterforschung und visuelle Kultur, Nr. 54 (2013): 89-101 (2013)“Forking Paths? Matthew Paris, Jorge Luis Borges, and Maps of the Labyrinth,” Peregrinations: The Official Publication of the International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art, vol. IV:I (2013): 134-160 (2013)“Digital Mappaemundi: Changing the Way We Work with Medieval World Maps,” Peregrinations: The Official Publication of the International Society for the Study of Pilgrimage Art, with Martin Foys, vol. 2:3 (Summer 2009) (2009)“Ungefraegelicu deor: Monsters and Truth in the Wonders of the East,” Different Visions: A Journal of New Perspectives on Medieval Art, vol. 2 (2009), with Susan Kim (2009)“Anglo-Saxon Frames of Reference: Spatial Relations on the Page and in the World,” Different Visions: A Journal of New Perspectives on Medieval Art, vol. 2 (2009), with Susan Kim (2009)“The Exotic in the Early Middle Ages,” with Susan Kim, Literature Compass, ed. Elaine Treharne (Blackwell Publishing, 2008) (2008)EssayAsa Simon Mittman, “Touching the Past/Being Touched by the Past” (2019)Asa Simon Mittman, “Reexamining the Vercelli Map,” Ordinare il mondo. Diagrammi e simboli nelle pergamene di Vercelli, ed. Timoty Leonardi and Marco Rainini (Milan: Vita Pensiero, 2019) (2019)Monsters and Monstrosity in Jewish History From the Middle Ages to Modernity (2019)Asa Simon Mittman and Suzanne Conklin Akbari, “Seeing Jerusalem: Schematic Views of the Holy City, 1100-1300,” Aspects of Knowledge: Preserving and Reinventing Traditions of Learning in the Middle Ages, ed. Marilina Cesario and Malte Urban (Oxford: Oxford University Press) (2018)Asa Simon Mittman and Susan M. Kim, Monsters and the Exotic in Early Medieval England, Literature Compass 6/2 (2009): 332–348 (2009)“Inconceivable Beasts: The Wonders of the East in the Beowulf Manuscript,” with Susan Kim, in Dark Reflections, Monstrous Reflections: Essays on the Monster in Culture, ed. Sorcha Ní Fhlainn (Oxford: Inter-Disciplinary Press E-Book, 2008) (2008)BookMonstrosity, Disability, and the Posthuman in the Medieval and Early Modern World (2019)Classic Readings on Monsters and the Monstrous Primary Sources on Monsters (2018)Sea Monsters, edited by Thea Tomaini and Asa Simon Mittman (2017)Inconceivable Beasts: The Wonders of the East in the Beowulf Manuscript (2013-11-14)Inconceivable Beasts: The ‘Wonders of the East’ in the Beowulf Manuscript (2013)Maps and Monsters in Medieval England (2006)