
I was born in Cleve­land, Ohio and spent my youth in and around the Cleve­land met­ro­pol­i­tan area. I did my under­grad­u­ate work in Eng­lish at Bald­win-Wal­lace Col­lege in Berea, Ohio and com­pleted a Master’s at Cleve­land State Uni­ver­sity before mov­ing to Chicago to com­plete a Ph.D. at Loy­ola Uni­ver­sity Chicago. I taught at col­leges and uni­ver­si­ties in Geor­gia, Illi­nois, and Ohio before join­ing Camp­bell University’s Eng­lish depart­ment in 2011.

I live in Fuquay-Varina, North Car­olina with my hus­band Todd, who also teaches Eng­lish, and my cats, Emma and Knight­ley. I am a mem­ber of Trin­ity Epis­co­pal Church in Fuquay, and I enjoy read­ing, run­ning, watch­ing base­ball, and hear­ing live music.


2002, Ph.D. in Eng­lish, Loy­ola Uni­ver­sity Chicago, Summa cum Laude

1995, M.A. in Eng­lish, Cleve­land State Uni­ver­sity, Summa cum Laude

1993, B.A. in Eng­lish, Bald­win-Wal­lace Col­lege, Summa cum Laude

Blog Posts



    School­house Gothic: Haunted Hall­ways and Preda­tory Ped­a­gogues in Late Twen­ti­eth-Cen­tury Amer­i­can Lit­er­a­ture and Schol­ar­ship. New Cas­tle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cam­bridge Schol­ars Pub­lish­ing, 2008.

    • reviewed by Charles Crow, Gothic Stud­ies, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2013, pp. 112–114


    (forth­com­ing) “‘Cryin’ Like a Woman ‘Cause I’m Mad Like A Man’: Chrissie Hynde, Gen­der, and Roman­tic Irony,” Rock and Roman­ti­cism: The Post-Punk, Goth, and Metal Edi­tion, Ed. James Rovira, Pal­grave MacMil­lan

    “New Orleans as Gothic Cap­i­tal,” Pal­grave Hand­book of the South­ern Gothic, Eds. Susan Castillo and Charles Crow. Lon­don: Pal­grave MacMil­lan, 2016.

    “Joyce Carol Oates Revis­its the School­house Gothic,Amer­i­can Gothic Cul­ture, Eds. Jason Haslam and Joel Faflak. Edin­burgh: Edin­burgh Uni­ver­sity Press, 2016.

    “Cre­ation Anx­i­ety in Gothic Metafic­tion: The Dark Half and Lunar Park.Com­pan­ion to Amer­i­can Gothic. Ed. Charles Crow. Hobo­ken, NJ: Wiley-Black­well, 2013.

    “‘Gigan­tic Para­dox, Too … Mon­strous for Solu­tion’: Night­mar­ish Democ­racy and the School­house Gothic in ‘William Wil­son’ and The Secret His­tory.” Com­pan­ion to Amer­i­can Gothic. Ed. Charles Crow. Hobo­ken, NJ: Wiley-Black­well, 2013.

    “Zom­bies in the Class­room: Edu­ca­tion as Con­sump­tion in Two Nov­els by Joyce Carol Oates.” Zom­bies in the Acad­emy: Liv­ing Death in Higher Edu­ca­tion. Eds. Andrew Whe­lan, Chris Moore and Ruth Walker. Bris­tol: Intel­lect Press UK, 2013.

    “‘This is what passes for free will’: Chuck Palahniuk’s Post­mod­ern Gothic.” Read­ing Chuck Palah­niuk: Amer­i­can Mon­sters and Lit­er­ary May­hem. Eds. Cyn­thia Kuhn and Lance Rubin. New York: Rout­ledge, 2009.

    “‘Try­ing To Tell ‘The Truth’: Metafic­tion and His­to­ri­o­graphic Metafic­tion in The X-Files,” The X-Files and Lit­er­a­ture: Unweav­ing the Story, Unrav­el­ing the Lie to Find the Truth. Ed. Sharon Yang. New Cas­tle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cam­bridge Schol­ars Pub­lish­ing, 2007.

    “‘Ter­rors of the Night’: Sal­va­tion, Gen­der, and the Gothic in James Baldwin’s Go Tell It On the Moun­tain.” MAWA Review: Mid-Atlantic Writ­ers Asso­ci­a­tion Review. 19:1 (June 2004)

    • reprinted in James Baldwin’s Go Tell It On The Moun­tain: His­tor­i­cal and Crit­i­cal Essays. Ed. Carol Hen­der­son. New York: Peter Lang Pub­lish­ing Group, 2006.

    “‘Scream­ing While School was in Ses­sion’: The Con­struc­tion of Mon­stros­ity in Stephen King’s School­house Gothic,” The Gothic Other: Racial and Social Con­struc­tions in the Lit­er­ary Imag­i­na­tion. E Ruth Ano­lik and Dou­glas Howard. Jef­fer­son, NC: McFar­land & Com­pany, Inc., 2004

    • reprinted in Stephen King: Bloom’s Mod­ern Crit­i­cal Views. Ed. Harold Bloom. 2nd ed. New York: Chelsea House Pub­li­ca­tions, 2006.

    Sherry Truffin

    Profile picture of Sherry Truffin


    Active 4 years, 6 months ago