Martin Boehnert PostDoc Kassel University Commons username: @martinboehnert ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4533-6857 Following 0 members View ProfileActivitySites 2Following 0Followers 2Groups 10ForumsDocs 0 Academic InterestsAnimal studiesclimate change communicationEnvironmental humanitiesFeminist EpistemologyGender theoryPhilosophy of scienceScience and popular cultureScientific discourse studies Commons GroupsHCAnalytic PhilosophyAnimal StudiesAnthropologyComics Scholarship/Comics StudiesFeminist HumanitiesNarrative theory and NarratologyPhilosophyRhetoric and CompositionScience Studies and the History of ScienceTelevision Studies Recent Commons Activity deposited Methodologische Signaturen : … in the group Science Studies and the Histo… deposited Methodologische Signaturen : … in the group Philosophy deposited Methodologische Signaturen : … in the group Anthropology deposited Methodologische Signaturen : … in the group Animal Studies deposited Grundzüge einer Philosophie … in the group Science Studies and the Histo… AboutI am a philosopher at the University of Kassel, Germany. I work mainly in the field of theoretical philosophy. In my current project, I am analysing the problem complex climate crisis in terms of its language-based constitution and cultural conditionality. My research interests include the philosophy of animal research, philosophy & pop culture as well as the role of plausibility in context of scientific knowledge production. More info: Blog Posts KCWorksJournal articleGrundzüge einer Philosophie der Tierforschung (2023)Philosophie der Tierforschung: Milieus und Akteure (2018)Riot Grrrl Primatology – Über Forscherinnen, Feminismus und feministische Wissenschaften (2018)Three Guys And A Girl In Space. Genderkonstruktion in den Sci-Fi Animes Captain Future, Saber Rider und Cowboy Bebop (2018)“Other minds than ours” – A controversial discussion on the limits and possibilities of comparative psychology in the light of Lloyd Morgan’s work (2018)Philosophie der Tierforschung: Kulturelle und ethische Dimensionen methodischer Tier-Mensch-Interaktionen (2016)Philosophie der Tierforschung: Die methodologische Signatur von Forschungsprogrammen (2016)Linguistisch-philosophische Untersuchungen zu Plausibilität: Über kommunikative Grundmuster bei der Entstehung von wissenschaftlichen Tatsachen (2015)Book sectionWhen Controversies Flare Up, Matters-of-Fact Become Matters-of-Concern (2021)Nicht-triviale Trivialitäten (2019)BookMethodologische Signaturen : Ein philosophischer Versuch zur Systematisierung der empirischen Erforschung des Geistes von Tieren (2020)