Christy Tidwell Asst Prof Eng South Dakota Sch of Mines & Tech Commons username: @christy_tidwell Twitter handle: christymtidwell Following 6 members View ProfileActivitySites 0Following 6Followers 6Groups 8ForumsDocs 0 Academic Interests21st-century American literatureAmerican literatureAnimal studiesCriticismEco-HorrorEcocriticismFeminismFeminist theoryFictionGenre studiesHorrorLiteratureScienceScience fictionTheory Commons GroupsHCEnvironmental HumanitiesGender StudiesSpeculative and Science FictionMLAGS Speculative FictionLLC 20th- and 21st-Century AmericanMS Screen Arts and CultureTC Ecocriticism and Environmental HumanitiesTC Women’s and Gender Studies Recent Commons Activity joined the group GS Speculative Fiction joined the group MS Screen Arts and Culture joined the group LLC 20th- and 21st-Century Am… joined the group TC Women’s and Gender Studi… joined the group TC Ecocriticism and Environme… AboutScience fiction, horror literature & film, ecocriticism, animal studies, feminist theory, contemporary American literature. Blog Posts