Forum Replies Created

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    • #23837

      Caitlin Duffy

      @irinasadovina Welcome to HC! I look forward to speaking with you more in August! 🙂 In the meantime, please let me know if you have any questions as you build on HC.


      Thanks for all your help with this first round! I’m excited to hear that you’re planning to incorporate HC into your upcoming class! Please reach out if you have any questions while working on that course, I’d love to hear how it goes.


      Welcome to HC! Please feel free to send any questions you may have my way as you build your presence on HC. I’m happy to see how much you’ve already gained by joining us!

    • #23620

      Caitlin Duffy

      Thanks, @ltyler and @cgleek, for sharing your thoughts! I really like Lisa’s idea of using time that I may have otherwise used procrastinating on social media on updating my HC profile. I’ll definitely use this method going forward!

      I also agree with Charlie that the upcoming conferences section can be helpful in meeting and connecting with other scholars. I really appreciate the fact that I can search for other HC users going to the same conference as me.

      Yes! I need to upload more of my work to CORE! For some reason, that’s the part of my profile that I tend to slack the most on…

    • #16324

      Caitlin Duffy

      Great, thanks! I’ll email you shortly.

    • #15356

      Caitlin Duffy

      Hi, @ninalager.

      To get a picture to go across your screen on the Radcliffe theme, you can choose to set a “featured image” for that post. The space to upload that image is on the bottom right of your post’s editing page. I think I’m thinking about the same image space as you are, but if I’m talking about something else, please let me know! Hope this helps!


    • #15120

      Caitlin Duffy

      @mollief Thanks for sharing! I appreciate Altmetric’s ability to alert you to locations where your work is cited that you otherwise might not have been aware of, like Wikipedia (so cool that you’re cited on Wikipedia!).

    • #15068

      Caitlin Duffy

      @ninalager Yes! Humanities Commons sites have a number of WordPress plug-ins that you can activate for your site (our upcoming mini-challenge will focus on plug-ins you can use on HC sites, so we’ll cover this topic a bit more very soon). One of these plug-ins is the WordPress Importer which lets you export a WordPress site from elsewhere and import it as an HC site (so long as your site doesn’t require specific plugins and themes that HC can’t support).

    • #15054

      Caitlin Duffy

      @SaraStarbuckSantos: Thanks for sharing how you’re using Altmetric to research the current work in your field! I think that’s a great idea (and one that I plan to use myself).

      : Altmetric is not a perfect tool, so it is bound to come up short in some areas. For example, the fact that articles need a DOI in order for Altmetric to track it is limiting, as you mention. I also wouldn’t worry too much about Altmetric returning small numbers for your articles. Nina looked up a well-regarded and popular article from her field on Altmetric, only to find that the results were underwhelming. I think this is partly because not everyone who discusses articles on social media include the articles’ DOIs in their post. As for your question about getting DOIs for your articles, have you checked SHERPA/RoMEO? Maybe some of the journals will allow you to share an early draft of your article?

      : This is not at all going against the spirit of summer camp! Part of the purpose of HC Summer Camp is to generate helpful discussions on topics like this! Your concerns are similar to the ones held by the Humanities Commons team. They have been very careful and thoughtful in regards to the metrics that they include on HC for the same reasons you describe (which is why there are very few metrics on HC).  Using Altmetric in tandem with HC is a good option for those who want metrics of their work, but it is also purposefully not required.

      On that note, the HC team would be incredibly grateful to receive ideas from users regarding which metrics would be (or would not be) helpful  to include on HC. If you have any thoughts, please let them know either through their email ( or on the HC feedback group.

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Caitlin Duffy.
    • #14781

      Caitlin Duffy

      Like the others who commented above me, I was really looking forward to this challenge. While I already have taken advantage of the ability to download content from the CORE Repository (@sarastarbucksantos Yes!- the syllabi available on CORE rock!), I never had the guts to actually upload something myself. I’m not quite sure why that is, but I’m happy this challenge pushed me to put something on here. This way, I can (to borrow the excellent phrasing of @DjGavin) help to “nurture the culture of generosity” already extant on HC. Anyway, my Dracula article is now shared with this group. You can find deposits shared with this (and other) group(s) by clicking on the “From CORE” tab located at the top of the page. This is, by the way, another excellent way to find relevant deposits.

      Yes! We’d love to have more detective fiction scholars over here! Thanks for observing the lack of this area on HC. If any of your colleagues have questions regarding HC or how to join, please point them towards our email (

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Caitlin Duffy.
    • #14541

      Caitlin Duffy

      I forgot to mention this during our first challenge, but I am completing each activity with you all.

      For this challenge, I followed a few more users based on the personal recommendations list on my homepage. I also joined the group @sarastarbucksantos created (over here) and responded to her introductory post. I look forward to the discussions we’ll have!



    • #14520

      Caitlin Duffy

      @Cgleek Thanks for your thoughtful response!

      I agree, regular hangouts can be really beneficial in creating active groups. The challenge-based work that we’re currently doing through this summer camp also seems to work well. Since HC groups are created and maintained by users, the HC team doesn’t have too much control over what they do, however, the team could provide more resources and ideas to group leaders.

      I also agree that users need to be mindful about the time and labor they can realistically spend on HC (as well as their other digital networking platforms). This should make users’ lives easier, not more stressful.

    • #14519

      Caitlin Duffy

      @Djgavin Thanks for being part of (what looks like) a helpful discussion on the Speculative and Science Fiction group! I also appreciate your observation that Twitter and HC groups may not offer the same sort of networking possibilities. It might be helpful for all of us to strategically consider which platform(s) we want to invest time in and how exactly we want to use them. I also use Twitter and HC, but I think I can be more thoughtful in the ways that I use them. Thanks for bringing that up!

      Thanks for spreading HC and the Detective Fiction group to your email list. The participants on your list may be interested in one of HC’s newer features, which allows group members to post new discussion threads and respond to pre-existing threads using their emails. The HC added this feature partly to continue the benefits of email discussions that list serves and other email lists provide. This new feature might also be helpful to your groups, @ltyler.

    • #14506

      Caitlin Duffy

      Hello, everyone!

      Sara- Thanks for creating this group! 🙂

      My name is Caitlin, I’m also an English Ph.D. student at Stony Brook University. Although half of my research focuses on 19th-century gothic literature (mainly American, but I also work with Victorian gothic fiction), the other half of my work deals with intersections between neoliberal practices/ideology and the Anglo-American horror film. I’m currently working on my comprehensive exam lists, one of which is based on my concept of the neoliberal horror film (you can check it out here).

      In joining this group, I hope to learn about others’ interests and work in this field, as this tends to help me experience break-throughs and discoveries in my own work. I also am interested in learning more about the neoliberal novel. Part of my research into the neoliberal horror film investigates the business behind genre film production, marketing, and merchandising. I’d be interested to see if there are any parallels.

    • #14423

      Caitlin Duffy

      @CGleek Humanities Commons doesn’t currently offer stats on profiles at the moment because the team is trying to be thoughtful about what they implement. That being said, they do plan to have some metrics around CORE deposits emailed periodically.

      The HC team is very open to hearing users’ thoughts. If you have ideas about what metrics would be useful, email them at or share your thoughts in the Feedback and Feature Requests group.

    • #14422

      Caitlin Duffy

      @Cgleek Thanks for sharing your experiences with this challenge, and welcome to the camp! I hope HC can help you stay connected to a DH community.

      Yes, the Humanities Commons team has also noticed less activity in some of the public, subject-based groups and has been trying to think about how to encourage more discussion and community. It’s really up to the users to keep these groups lively, so it’s important that we consider what features or moves might help.

      I’m going to post a question to this group asking if anyone has ideas about how to liven up dead groups. Also, the mini-challenge blog post (to appear early next week) has some more thoughts about what could help a group foster more engagement.

    • #14421

      Caitlin Duffy

      @Kirstenbussiere Thanks for sharing! I’m happy to hear you made contact with someone in your field through this networking activity! I guess the fact that it happened outside of HC (but while discussing your HC work!) just goes to show how far your digital presence extends! 🙂 Feel free to keep the group updated if anything comes of this connection, we’d love to hear about it!

    • #14082

      Caitlin Duffy

      Wow, so far this first challenge is off to a great start! Thanks to all who’ve shared their profiles so far- they look stellar!

      I’m also excited to see that some questions are being raised and discussions are starting regarding the profile page (thanks, Sara and Kate!).

      The question regarding how to determine what qualifies as an ‘appropriate’ profile and/or cover photo can be really helpful to discuss. Your choice of photo can really depend upon a number of different factors, including your personality, discipline, and goals.

      I’m interested to hear how members of the group chose their photos. Did you ever receive any advice on selecting an appropriate photo for professional platforms online? Do you have any strategies on how to get a good photo?

      To answer my own question, I had a friend who is an amateur photograph take my picture in a local library. for my profile photo. I chose an autumnal forest for my cover photo to reflect my interest in ecogothic (ecocritical + gothic) literature.

      I look forward to hearing the tips and strategies of the group and seeing more profiles!

      As far as the length of your “About” section is concerned, it’s really up to personal preference. I’d recommend to make it  approximately one paragraph, but again, there are no hard and fast rules here. It might be good to keep it succinct (especially if you’re making use of the other areas of the profile), but I’ve seen longer well-written “About” sections that still work well.

    • #9823

      Caitlin Duffy

      The deadline is approaching!

      In order to participate in the 2018 Stony Brook University English Graduate conference, please submit your abstract of 250-300 words to by December 18, 2017.

    • #9819

      Caitlin Duffy

      The deadline is approaching!


      In order to participate in the 2018 Stony Brook University English Graduate conference, please submit your abstract of 250-300 words to by December 18, 2017.

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Caitlin Duffy.
    • #9816

      Caitlin Duffy

      The deadline is approaching!

      To participate in this year’s annual Stony Brook University English Graduate conference, lease submit all abstracts to <b></b> by December 18th, 2017.

    • #23692

      Caitlin Duffy

      @cgleek – Thanks for sharing these exam lists! I also really like your idea of encouraging more people to upload and share their exam lists and other graduate student documents. I now plan to upload my lists to CORE, though they’re also already up on my site (linked in case anyone wants to see them). Creating an HC group that specifically caters to this type of sharing would probably be really helpful.

      – Welcome to HC! 🙂 Thanks for uploading your blog posts to CORE! A bookmarking feature is a great idea, thanks for sharing that with us! Although HC doesn’t currently have this feature, an alternative could be favoriting activities from your newsfeed (which includes CORE deposits). which would cause them to show up on your favorites page: The HC team is also currently working on greater integration with ORCiD. You can check out our roadmap to see what’s on the horizon!

    • #14400

      Caitlin Duffy

      @KKoppy Thanks for looking out!


       Thanks for sharing your experience and your thoughts! When the platform launched, the Humanities Commons team debated whether or not they wanted to allow members to see who others are following and ultimately decided that they didn’t want this to be visible. While they understand that seeing who other members are following could allow users to discover relevant profiles, they didn’t want the Commons to take on the sort of popularity contest quality that tend to characterize other social media platforms.


      Thanks for sharing your experience for this challenge (and for calling me awesome 🙂 ). I’m excited to see the discussion your post on Animal Studies generates!


      and @Sbanville Thanks for sharing your experiences! I’m happy to hear that this challenge was helpful for you both! One thing I might recommend to help you get the most out of the groups you’ve joined is to start discussions regardless of whether or not that group has a lot of activity already. Humanities Commons groups can only reach their full potential through you, the users, so it’s really up to us to make the activity happen.

Viewing 18 reply threads

Caitlin Duffy

Profile picture of Caitlin Duffy


Active 2 years, 10 months ago