U of Victoria
U of Texas, Dallas
U of Wisconsin
Central Oregon Comm C
Nicky Agate - "So happy to see all the new members joining us from across the humanities!"ViewCarnegie Mellon University
Harvard U
Belinda Wheeler - "I would like to thank my academic colleagues who supported me during MLA’s recent election period. I’m happy to announce that I was elected to MLA’s Delegate Assembly (Ethnic Studies). It is three year term that […]"ViewClaflin U
Jason Charles Courtmanche - "A very contorversial piece on teaching composition in the Chronicle. Please read the comments! http://www.chronicle.com/article/Are-We-Teaching-Composition/237969"ViewU of Connecticut
U of Wisconsin
U of Connecticut
U of California
Columbia College Chicago
Bruce W. Robbins - "As many of you will have heard, Resolution 2014-1 got 60% of the votes cast but did not reach the minimum of 10% of the total membership required (by a recent rule) in order to be officially adopted. Thank you to […]"ViewColumbia U
U of North Carolina
Brian Croxall - "Learning about the Connected Academics project (https://connect.mla.hcommons.org/) at the May 2015 Executive Council meeting."ViewBrigham Young U
Mod Lang Assn
U of Massachusetts
Columbia U