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Bookmarked: Online Tools for Handwritten Text Recognition: A Comparative Review of Transkribus and eScriptorium for Byzantine Paleography – The Stoa: a Review for Digital ClassicsThe Stoa: a Review for Digital Classics #HTR_Transkribus_eScriptorium This papers explores the functionality and challenges of Transkribus and eScriptorium for Handwritten Text Recognition in Byzantine Studies, highlighting advancements in digital paleography and interdisciplinary co (2025-02-02 ↗)
Bookmarked: Python Data Science Handbook: full text in Jupyter Notebooks #Python Python Data Science Handbook by Jake VanderPlas (2025-02-02 ↗)
Bookmarked: Légendiers latins #BHL_Hagiographie_Handschriften La base de données Légendiers latins est le fruit d’un partenariat entre l’Institut de Recherche et d'Histoire des Textes (IRHT), la Société des Bollandistes et l’Université de Namur. Elle a pour vocation de répertorier tous les témoins manuscrits, médiévaux et modernes, des textes hagiographiques latins identifiés par la Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina (BHL) et son Supplément. (2025-01-17 ↗)
Bookmarked: EarlyPrint | A collaborative effort—centered doubly at Northwestern University and Washington University in St. Louis—to transform the early English print record, from 1473 to the early 1700s, into a linguistically annotated and deeply searchable text corpus. #Digital_Editions_Drucke A collaborative effort—centered doubly at Northwestern University and Washington University in St. Louis—to transform the early English print record, from 1473 to the early 1700s (2025-01-02 ↗)
Bookmarked: liiive | Real-Time Collaborative IIIF Annotation #Digital_Humanities_IIIF Collaborate in real-time on IIIF image collections. Annotate, view, and explore high-resolution images with your team. Even without a login. (2024-12-31 ↗)