
I am a Teaching Assistant Professor of Spanish at Oklahoma State University where I teach courses in Spanish language (elementary through advanced levels); Survey of Peninsular Literature I (Medieval and Golden Age); Business Spanish; and Judaism, Christianity, and Islam in Medieval Iberia (English – online). I also have experience teaching courses in Civilization and Culture of Spain, Medical Spanish, and Freshman Composition and Speech.

My research focuses primarily on 16th-century Aljamiado-Morisco manuscripts. I am broadly interested in textual moments that manipulate or reimagine “orthodox” Islamic teaching on theological themes or religious practices, and the incorporation of non-Islamic elements in Morisco manuscripts. I have engaged with such theoretical approaches as linguistic anthropology—particularly indexicality and deictic shift theory—ritual theory, religious anthropology, history of the book, and race theory. I have published articles and book reviews in eHumanista, Medieval Encounters, La corónica, Church History, and Renaissance Quarterly.


Ph.D., University of Georgia, Romance Languages, 2012

M.A., University of Georgia, Spanish Literature, 2007

B.A., State University of New York at Potsdam, Spanish Language and Literature, 2005

B.M., State University of New York at Potsdam, Music Education, 2005

Blog Posts


    Wood, Donald W. “The Coplas de Yosef: a Medieval Hebrew-Aljamiado Poem of Heroism and Courtly Composure.” A Companion to Mester de Clerecía Poetry, edited by Robin M. Bower and Matthew V. Desing. Brill, 2024, pp. 415-444.

    Wood, Donald W. “Aljamiado-Morisco Literary Studies: A Fifty-Year Survey.” La corónica: A Journal of Medieval Hispanic Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, vol. 50, nos. 1-2, Fall 2021-Spring 2022, pp. 231-247.

    Wood, Donald W. Review of Deza and It’s Moriscos: Religion and Community in Early Modern Spain, by Patrick J. O’Banion. Church History: Studies in Christianity and Culture, vol. 91, no.2, 2022, pp. 395-97.

    Wood, Donald Walter. “‘Tengo feuza en la piyadad de Allāh’: Piety and Polemic in an Aljamiado-Morisco ‘Companion in Paradise’ Narrative.” Medieval Encounters, vol. 26, no. 1, 2020, pp. 22-48.

    Wood, Donald W. “Yā Maryam / Ave Maria: Textual Appropriation and Diglossia in Aljamiado-Morisco Marian Texts.” eHumanista, vol. 41, 2019, pp. 155-170

    Wood, Donald W., and Jordan Rosen-Kaplan. “Legend of the Damsel Carcayçiyona (Aragón, ca. 1587) / Leyenda de la donçella Carcayçiyona (Aragón, ca. 1587).” Open Iberia/América Teaching Anthology, edited by David Wacks, 2021, pp. 1-30/33.  https://openiberiaamerica.hcommons.org/


    Submissions under review

    A book chapter entitled “Reading the Qur’ān in Fragments: Identities and Functions of the Holy Text in Aljamiado-Morisco Miscellanies” for inclusion in an anthology tentatively titled Unbound by Their Covers: Late Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Books in Their Global History, edited by Linde Brocato and Ross Karlan.


    Revising the conference paper “The Prodigal Son Returns on Laylat al-Qadr: Christian-Islamic Religious Syncretism in a Morisco Sermon” presented at the SCMLA 79th Annual Conference for publication.

    Revising the conference paper “Glossing the City of Brass in Aljamiado-Morisco Manuscripts” presented at the 53rd International Congress on Medieval Studies for publication.


    Ibero-Medieval Association of North America (IMANA)

    Medieval Academy of America (MAA)

    Modern Language Association (MLA)

    ·        Member of the Executive Committee of the LLC Medieval Iberian forum.

    South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA)

    Renaissance Society of America (RSA)

    Sixteenth Century Society & Conference (SCSC)

    Sociedad de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas, Universidad de Salamanca (La SEMYR)

    Donald W. Wood

    Profile picture of Donald W. Wood


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