• Wout Dillen deposited DH Benelux Journal 4. The Humanities in a Digital World in the group Group logo of Textual ScholarshipTextual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 2 years, 6 months ago

    The fourth volume of the DH Benelux Journal. This volume includes seven full-length, peer-reviewed articles that are based on accepted contributions to the 2021 virtual DH Benelux conference. Contents: 1. Editors’ Preface (Wout Dillen, Margherita Fantoli, Marijn Koolen, Marieke van Erp); 2. Introduction: The Humanities in a Digital World (Lorella Viola, Jelena Prokic, Antske Fokkens, Tommaso Caselli); 3. A Game of Persistence, Self-doubt, and Curiosity: Surveying Code Literacy in Digital Humanities
    (Elli Bleeker, Marijn Koolen, Kaspar Beelen, Liliana Melgar, Joris van Zundert, Sally Chambers); 4. Introducing the DHARPA Project: An Interdisciplinary Lab to Enable
    Critical DH Practice (Angela R. Cunningham, Helena Jaskov, Sean Takats, Lorella Viola); 5. Examining a Multi Layered Approach for Classification of OCR Quality without Ground Truth (Mirjam Cuper); 6. Modeling Ontologies for Individual Artists: A Case Study of a Dutch Ceramic Glass Sculptor (Victor de Boer, Daan Raven, Erik Esmeijer, Johan Oome); 7. Judging a Book by its Criticism: A Digital Analysis of the Professional and Community Driven Literary Criticism of the Ingeborg-Bachmann-Preis (Lore De Greve, Gunther Martens); 8. When No News is Bad News. News-Based Change Detection during COVID-19 (Kristoffer L. Nielbo, Frida Hæstrup, Kenneth C. Enevoldsen, Peter B. Vahlstrup, Rebekah B. Baglini, Andreas Roepstorff); 9. Combining Tools with Linked Data: a Social History Example (Ivo Zandhuis).