
Latin American Decolonial Literature and other forms of expression, especially during the colonial period through the nineteenth century. Gender and Indigenismo.

Blog Posts


    Ward, Thomas. Buscando la nación peruana2a ed. Lima: Editorial Cátedra Vallejo/Facultad de Letras de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, 2022.

    Ward, Thomas. Coloniality and the Rise of Liberation Thinking during the Sixteenth Century. Leeds: Arc Humanities Press, 2021.

    González de Fanning, Teresa. Roque Moreno: Novela histórica. Ed. Thomas Ward. Doral, FL: Stockcero, 2019. Introduction. i-cii. 1-69.

    Ward, Thomas. The Formation of Latin American Nations: From Late Antiquity to Early Modernity. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 2018.

    Ward, Thomas. Decolonizing Indigeneity: New Approaches to Latin American LiteratureLanham/London: Lexington Books (Rowman & Littlefield), 2016.

    Ramos, Domingo de. China Pop. Trans. Thomas Ward. Bloomington: Carboard House Press, 2015. 

    Ward, Thomas. Buscando la nación peruana. Lima: Editorial Horizonte/Facultad de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos/Loyola University Maryland, 2009.

    Ward, Thomas. La resistencia cultural: la nación en el ensayo de las Américas. Lima: Universidad Ricardo Palma, 2004.

    Ward, Thomas. La teoría literaria: romanticismo, krausismo y modernismo ante la globalización industrial. Romance Monographs, No. 61. Mississippi: University of Mississippi, 2004.

    Ward, Thomas. La anarquía inmanentista de Manuel González Prada. First Edition. New York/Bern: Peter Lang, 1998;

    Thomas Robert Ward

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    Active 5 months, 2 weeks ago