Georgia SU
Oklahoma SU
Benita Sampedro - "The new MLA Forum on Global Hispanophone is delighted to invite submissions for our inaugural session/s, which will take place at the MLA Annual Convention in Austin, Texas, on 7-10 January, 2016. (Note: these […]"ViewHofstra U
Texas SU
Luis Alvarez-Castro - "CFP for MLA 2016: “Miguel de Unamuno’s Literary Legacy.” This panel seeks innovative approaches to the contemporary reception and/or influence of Unamuno’s works, particularly his fiction. 250-word abstract and […]"ViewU of Florida
U of Minnesota Twin Cities
Yale U
San Jose SU
U of Arizona
Emory U
New York U
Kirsty Hooper - "Delighted to share details of the two Galician Studies panels confirmed for MLA 2016. Find out more (and join the Galician group) here: https://mla.hcommons.org/groups/galician/docs/"ViewU of Warwick
Texas Tech University
U of Chicago
Oakland U
U of Chicago
Ohio SU
SU of New York, Stony Brook U
King Khalid Univ
Bruce W. Robbins - "As many of you will have heard, Resolution 2014-1 got 60% of the votes cast but did not reach the minimum of 10% of the total membership required (by a recent rule) in order to be officially adopted. Thank you to […]"ViewColumbia U