Cornell U
Mod Lang Assn
Stanford U
U of Michigan
Kathleen Fitzpatrick - "I’m wondering how the Commons might make use of this kind of micro-blogging: small posts that enable a user to think out loud about the issues they’re working on or things they’re wondering about. Perhaps we could […]"ViewMichigan State University
Howard U
Vanderbilt U
Lehigh U
Joanna Swafford - "Augmented Notes is LIVE. It’s easy to use: visit http://augmentednotes.com and upload an audio file and the score, and then follow the direction to draw a box around each measure and to set the exact second at […]"ViewSU of New York
Margaret Hanzimanolis - "@rfeal Would you consider reading a two page section of Joe Berry’s classic, Reclaiming the Ivory Tower? Here is the sign up spreadsheet@ […]"ViewDe Anza C
Mod Lang Assn
The Graduate Center, CUNY
Liana Silva - "Waiting at Houston Intercontinental Airport to leave for Vancouver! #mla15 Tomorrow: Talking With Our Publics pre-convention workshop: http://www.mla.org/program_details?prog_id=1&year=2015 Session 1!"ViewCesar Chavez High School, Houston TX
Central Oregon Comm C
Rosemary G. Feal - "Going to the MLA Convention? Please come to hear queer Cuban-American writer and translator Achy Obejas in Session 298 , “Endlessly Cuban: A Discussion on the Work of Achy Obejas with the Author” and Session 473 […]"ViewHarvard U
David Laurence - "A 14 May post on The Trend reviews historical trends in time to degree for PhDs in the humanities compared with other disciplines, 1960 to 2012."ViewMLA