Ph.D. Stanford University, 2012, French.
M.A.Université de Paris VIII, 2006,”Texte, Images, Société.“
M.A. University at Buffalo, 2005, Comparative Literature.
B.A. University of Alberta, 2000, English.
2019 “The Eighteenth-Century French Academic Network,” Networks of European Enlightenment, edited by Dan Edelstein and Chloe Summers Edmondson, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment, forthcoming.
2019 “The Empire of Letters: Enlightenment-Era French Salons,” with Chloe Summers Edmondson, Digitizing Enlightenment, edited by Simon Burrows and Glenn Roe, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment (Liverpool: Liverpool UP), pp. 222-36.
2019 “Teaching Republican Culture through Caricature: The Scandal of Charlie Hebdo”MLA’s Teaching Representations of the French Revolution, eds. Julia Douthwaite, Catriona Seth, and Antoinette Sol, pp. 128-39.
2016 “The French Enlightenment Network” with Maria Comsa, Dan Edelstein, Chloe Summers Edmondson, and Claude Willan The Journal of Modern History88:3 (2016), pp. 495-534.
2015 “The Milieu of the Prisoner-of-War Camp in La Grande Illusion,” Romance Notes55: 3, pp. 371-384.
2014 “Before the ‘Inward Turn’: Tracing Represented Thought in the French Novel (1800-1929),”Poetics Today35:1-2, pp. 115-169.
2013 “Reviving the Art of Sociability: Madame de Genlis’s Post-Revolutionary Salon at the Arsenal,” Special Issue of RELIEF, Madame de Genlis et la pensée des Lumières, edited by Alicia C. Montoya, 7:1, pp. 106-122.
2013 “Comment se vendre: L’escroquerie et le marketing dans La vie publique et privée de Mossieu Réacde Nadar,” Special Issue of Médias 19, Presse, prostitution, bas-fonds (1830-1930), edited by Guillaume Pinson, Summer, n.p..
2012 “Spontaneity and Moral Certainty in Benjamin Constant’s Adolphe,” in Nineteenth-Century French Studies40: 3-4, pp. 222-238.