Jasmine Mulliken is Production and Preservation Manager, Digital Projects, a role that primarily involves working with projects that have already been accepted for publication. Her responsibilities include evaluating the technology powering each project to ascertain its sustainability and its amenability to current and developing archiving and preservation methods. To guide authors and developers to such objectives, she produces the Press’s digital project guidelines and recommendations on platforms, coding standards, and documentation of development and labor contribution. She also coordinates the production workflow, which involves managing the projects’ hosting environments, consulting with contracted authors and developers on projects’ technical attributes, cataloging and registering projects with identifying metadata, advocating for improvement in classification vocabularies for born-digital work, and working with Stanford University Libraries to identify and establish archiving solutions for each project’s unique needs and formats.
Jasmine has a background in Digital Literacies and Literatures with a PhD in English from the University of Texas. Prior to coming to SUP, she spent 5 years as an Assistant Professor teaching Literature and Composition at Oklahoma State University.
She is the author of the digital Mapping Dubliners Project: http:mulliken.okstate.edu/dubliners Education
Phd English, Digital Literacy and Literatures, University of Texas at Austin
MA English, Contemporary Literaure, University of Central Oklahoma
BA English, University of Central Oklahoma Publications
Mulliken, J. (2017). “Scudding in Towards Dublin”: Joyce Studies and the Online Mapping Dubliners Project. In: Culleton, C., Scheible, E. (eds) Rethinking Joyce’s Dubliners. New Directions in Irish and Irish American Literature. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.