Raihanah M Mydin deposited Intercultural dialogue in manga: Building friendships, sharing spaces and values in the group Comics Scholarship/Comics Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 3 months ago
The role of Japanese manga as a site for intercultural understanding and engagement is worth further investigation, and research in this area is
still growing. This article explores intercultural dialogue through a case study of the Japanese manga Satoko and Nada Volume 1 by Yupechika, which narrates the friendship between Satoko, a young Japanese woman, and Nada, her Saudi Muslim roommate. It adopts a literary approach to the analysis of the manga and employs textual analysis as the methodology. The manga is analysed through the
lens of interculturalism and deep dialogue focusing on the themes of food, fashion and faith. Through the analysis, readers are exposed to the narrative of intercultural engagement as portrayed by the mangaka. Yupechika incorporates pre-existing prejudices in the engagement between the two culturally diverse characters. The narrative arc reveals the importance of empathy, space and value sharing in
forging intercultural understanding.