Dr. Akaninyene Orok deposited Entrepreneurship Orientation and Entrepreneurship Culture and the Performance of Small and Medium-scale Enterprises in Calabar Metropolis – Nigeria in the group Literature and Economics on Humanities Commons 2 years, 1 month ago
The study empirically examined entrepreneurship orientation, entrepreneurship culture and performance of small and medium-scale enterprises in Calabar Metropolis. The major objective of the paper was to explore how strategic entrepreneurship practices affect the accomplishment
of SMEs goals in Cross River State. The study was anchored on Resource-based theory (RBT). The study used survey research design. Survey research design was employed, and a population of one thousand, two hundred and ninety-four (1294) employees were involved. The study utilized Taro Yamane formula to determine the sample size of 400 employees. The sampling technique used in this study was purposive sampling method. The paper used multiple linear regression technique in testing the two hypotheses. The study revealed a positive relationship between entrepreneurial orientation and growth of SMEs. Furthermore, it was found that entrepreneurial culture has a negative effect on profitability of SMEs. Also, it was found that strategic resource management has significant effect on the quality of products of SMEs. The researcher supported various findings with suggestions among other things that the managers should continuously incorporate new decision-making strategies, procedures and behaviour that will put the organization into an advantageous position into entering new or established markets with new or existing goods or services. It was also recommended among others that entrepreneurial culture should be strengthened by managers of SMEs in Cross River State in
pursuit of firm’s performance as well as yielding to the economic growth of Nigeria.