Tobias Steiner deposited New Communities: Scholar-led publishing und Open Access – aktuelle scholar-led Publishing-Initiativen und Open Access in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (Teil 3) in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 2 years, 4 months ago
Publication cultures in academia are as diverse as their underlying research cultures. In today’s often normative discourse on Open Access, there is a danger that this diversity will be neglected or even lost in the medium term in favor of techno-solutionist implementations. In the following, I will therefore take a closer look at the approach of scholar-led publishing and show what connections exist between scholar-led initiatives and the ‘classic’ Open Access movement. Approaching the issue from a diachronic perspective to see how scholar-led initiatives from the humanities and social sciences – and with them from the cultural, media, and communication sciences – have set important impulses for opening up publication cultures early on and in their own way, and in parallel to – or even preceding – the widely received developments from the medical and natural sciences in the 1990s, this third part of the three-part blog series provides an overview of scholar-led open access book publishers, and then turns to scholar-led community networks and infrastructure inititatives such as Humanities Commons, the Radical Open Access Collective, MediArXiv, and the Community-led Open Publication Infrastructures for Monographs (COPIM) project.