Thomas Oliver Beebee Prof Comp Lit & Ger Penn State U Commons username: @tbeebee Twitter handle: tbeebee Following 6 members View ProfileActivitySites 4Following 6Followers 9Groups 33ForumsDocs 0 Academic Interests Commons GroupsMLA2022 MLA ConventionBlack German History and CultureCLCS 18th-CenturyCLCS 20th- and 21st-CenturyCLCS European RegionsCLCS Global Arab and Arab AmericanCLCS Hemispheric AmericanCLCS Renaissance and Early ModernCLCS Romantic and 19th-CenturyDigital HumanitiesExecutive Committee MembersInterdisciplinary Approaches to Culture and SocietyLLC 18th- and Early-19th-Century GermanLLC 19th- and Early-20th-Century GermanLLC 20th- and 21st-Century FrenchLLC 20th- and 21st-Century GermanLLC 20th- and 21st-Century Spanish and IberianLLC East AsianLLC Global PortugueseLLC Luso-Brazilian Recent Commons Activity started the topic CFP for “Reading Cultures,�… in the forum TC Translation Studies started the topic CFP for “Reading Cultures,�… in the forum LLC 20th- and 21st-Century Ge… started the topic CFP for “Reading Cultures,�… in the forum LLC Luso-Brazilian started the topic CFP for “Reading Cultures,�… in the forum CLCS Global Arab and Arab Ame… started the topic CFP for “Reading Cultures,�… in the forum TM Literary and Cultural Theo… Blog Posts Hello world! (The Nobel and Other International Literary Prizes, 2013-11-08) KCWorksReviewLiterary Ethics (2016)Book sectionIntroduction: Departures, Emanations, Intersections (2014)