Mastodon Feed
LAST CHANCE The "Consultation: Development of the British Sign Language (BSL) (Wales) Bill" closes on 31 Jan 2025. Have your say! Responses can be submitted in written form or per video recording. #Deaf #BSL #Wales #Cymru (2025-01-30 ↗)
Wer hätte gedacht, dass ausgerechnet die Turnschuhpartei die einzigen Abgeordneten im Haus hat, die sich wie Erwachsene benehmen können. (2025-01-29 ↗)
Und VPN dann so: 🔥 😈 👅 💀 Da soll man neue Mark-ups fertig bekommen. #DH is always just a step away from #ComputerSaysNo (2025-01-28 ↗)
"The Austrian Deaf community has been well organised and unified by a common language since the 19th century. But since only 10% of Deaf people have Deaf parents, therefore the transfer of language, the preservation of culture and identity and the handing down of the common history are especially fragile. Hence, documenting the experiences of older people and making them accessible for Deaf children and youth is all the more important. National Socialist rule brought forth changes for everyone. The Deaf community was in particular danger (less information, no alarms) and directly threatened by Nazi legislation (e.g. forced sterilisations). Courses of action taken then and ways to deal with memories today vary greatly, just like in the hearing society." Film 'Shoah' from the project 'Deaf Austrians in National Socialism'. #HolocaustGedenktag #HolocaustRemembrance #ÖGS #ÖsterreichischeGebärdenSprache #Deaf #DeafHistory #Histodons (2025-01-27 ↗)
Reposting my #Introduction because there's a flurry of new folks — and I'm an eternal optimist at finding fellow Welsh writing in English peeps. So here goes: I work as the Community Outreach Officer for the Welsh Dictionary of Biography, more collquially called the #Bywgraffiadur, at the #NationalLibraryOfWales. Our goal is to close representational gaps and set the Dictionary on a course of recording the diverse lives of historical Welsh people in all their facets. Otherwise, I'm working on #WelshWritingInEnglish mostly from the long #C19. Other research interests include #TravelWriting, particularly illustrated accounts and the history of the #VisitorsBook. I'm also into #PublicHistory and community outreach, sometimes abt #PortHeritage, #WW1 German submarine warfare and its effects on Welsh communities. I share longer #WiP here: Toots will be mostly in #English, but occasionally also in #Deutsch and #Cymraeg. #Histodons (2025-01-26 ↗)