
Principally trained in both early Christianity and early Judaism, I approach religion in antiquity from an interdisciplinary perspective that challenges category assumptions about early Christian and Jewish literature. In my research and teaching, my goal is to showcase the intricacies of shared cosmological expectations among the communities of the ancient Mediterranean. I write about the intersection of cultural expectations in narratives from the Greco-Roman period, across religious boundaries, especially narrative-level rituals.

My first book, My Flesh is Meat Indeed (Fortress; 2015) evaluates how John 6:51c–58 contributes to the gospel’s presentation of Jesus as divine in light of Hellenistic attitudes about sacrifice, divinity, and the consumption of human flesh.

My next book-length project, Hierophagy: Transformational Eating in Ancient Literature, explores how performative consumption effects transformation in ancient Mediterranean narratives.


  • 2013 PhD New Testament and Early Judaism; minor, Ancient Mediterranean Religions, McGill University, Faculty of Religious Studies

  • 2006 MA New Testament, McGill University, Faculty of Religious Studies

  • 2004 BA with distinction Anthropology and Religious Studies, McGill University, Faculty of Arts

Blog Posts



2015    My Flesh is Meat Indeed: A Non-Sacramental Reading of John 6: 51–58. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. (Review: https://www.bookreviews.org/pdf/10685_11869.pdf)

 Journal Articles

2016    “Teaching with Technology: Using Digital Humanities to Engage Student Learning” Journal for Teaching Theology and Religion 19.3: 309–319.

2015    “My Heart Poured Forth Understanding: 4 Ezra’s Fiery Cup as Hierophagic Consumption,” Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 44.3: 320–333.

2006    “My OTP: Harry Potter Fanfiction and the Old Testament Pseudepigrapha,” Scriptura, 8.1: 53–66.

Meredith Warren

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