I am a holder of a VENI grant from the Dutch Organisation for Research (NWO). My three-year postdoctoral project (2018-2021) at the Huygens ING, an institute of the Dutch Academy of Arts and Sciences in Amsterdam,
Innovating Knowledge. Isidore’s Etymologiae in the Carolingian period, deals with the study of the early transmission history of the
Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville, Carolingian appropriation of this work, and intellectual networks in the early Middle Ages. As a part of this project, I now released
a database of all pre-1000 manuscripts transmitting Isidore’s encyclopaedia and
a digital scholarly edition of the glosses to book I of this work. The data published in both digital tools are freely available for download and reuse – check out my CORE deposits!
In 2017-18, I was a Mellon Fellow at the
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, Toronto, working on the intellectual networks in the early medieval Latin West, and the role of Isidore of Seville’s
Etymologies as a vehicle of innovation in this period.
In 2016, I received a PhD from Utrecht University for my research on annotation symbols in early medieval Western manuscripts. I have carried out my PhD research in the project
Marginal Scholarship: The Practice of Learning in the Early Middle Ages at the Huygens ING. I have a keen interest in early medieval annotation practices, in particular the use of symbols rather than words in this context – and I might be the right person to ask a question about this subject. I have published
the first handbook of Western annotation symbols in 2019.
By training, I am a Latin philologist. In the recent years, I have expanded my skills to Latin paleography and codicology and Digital Humanities. Besides Latin, I also know some Hebrew and I worked with Hebrew texts (for example, I published several articles on the 1389 Prague Easter pogrom), and I am interested in Jewish Studies and the late antique history of the Middle East. I hope to improve my coding and paleography skills in the future and hopefully get back to Hebrew and medieval Jewish history.
I also try to write popularizing articles about history-related topics on various platforms, both in English and
Slovak (my native language), and to organize popularizing events.
Journal articles
‘Chicago, Newberry Library, Masi Fragm. 14 and the fate of the Theodulf Bible in the Long Ninth Century’.
Quaerendo 49 (2019), 1-16.
‘The rise of the quotation sign in the Latin West and the changing modes of reading between the sixth and the ninth centuries’.
Scriptorium 72:2 (2018), 123-166.
‘The List
De notis sententiarum in the
Liber Glossarum’.
Journal of Medieval Latin 26 (2016), 315-362.
‘Psalmos, notas, cantus: the meanings of nota in the Carolingian period’.
Speculum 90:2 (2015), 424-457.
‘Munich, Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, MS Clm 6298: A new witness of the biblical commentaries from the Canterbury school’.
Anglo-Saxon England 43 (2014): 45-55.
‘Jews and Christ Interchanged: Discursive Strategies in the
Passio Iudeorum Pragensium’.
Graeco-Latina Brunensia 17 (2012): 73-86.
‘A Fragment of a Ninth-Century Liturgical Book in the Holdings of Utrecht University Library’.
Codices Manuscripti 82/83 (2012): 1-11.
Book chapters
‘Technical signs in Early Manuscripts Copied in Irish Minuscule’, in
The Annotated Book. Early Medieval Practices of Reading and Writing, ed. M. Teeuwen and I. van Renswoude, Utrecht Studies in Medieval Literacy. Turnhout (forthcoming).
with Irene van Renswoude. ‘The Annotated Gottschalk: Critical Signs and Control of Heterodoxy in the Carolingian Age’, in
La controverse carolingienne sur la prédestination. Histoire, textes, manuscrits, ed. P. Chambert-Protat, J. Delmulle, W. Pezé and J. C. Thompson. Paris (forthcoming).
Passio Iudeorum Pragensium: Tatsachen und Fiktionen über das Pogrom im Jahr 1389’, in
„Avigdor, Benesch, Gitl“ – Juden in Böhmen, Mähren und Schlesien im Mittelalter. Samuel Steinherz (1857 Güssing – 1942 Theresienstadt) zum Gedenken, ed. H. Teufel, P. Kocman and M. Řepa. Prague – Essen – Brunn, 2016, 159-86.
‘The Prehistory of the Latin Acts of Peter (BHL 6663) and the Latin Acts of Paul (BHL 6575): Some observations about the Development of the Virtutes Apostolorum’, in
The Apocryphal Acts of the Apostles in Latin Christianity. Proceedings of the First International Summer School on Christian Apocryphal Literature, Strasbourg 2012, ed. E. Rose. Turnhout, 2014, 69-83.
‘“All that suffering”: Hebrew narratives about the Prague Easter massacre of 1389 and their interaction with Latin material’, in
Knaanic Language: Structure and Historical Background. Proceedings of a conference held in Prague on October 25-26, 2012, ed. O. Bláha, R. Dittmann and L. Uličná. Prague, 2013, 241-68.
Book Review: Dalibor Havel, Počátky latinské písemné kultury v českých zemích. Nejstarší latinské rukopisy a zlomky v Čechách a na Moravě.’
Fragmentology 2 (2019): 191–195.
Ambiciózna ale nevyvážená príručka stredovekej latinskej literatúry’ [review of Claudio Leonardi (ed.), Medieval Latin Literature].
Česká literatura 65:3 (2017): 429–435.
with Ivan Flis and Paul Wouters. ‘
Digital humanities are a two-way street’.
Isis 107:2 (2016): 346–348.
Book Review: Georges Declercq (ed.), Early Medieval Palimpsests, Bibliologia 26 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2007)’.
Networks and Neighbours 2:2 (2014): 397–400.
Book Review: Maddalena Betti, The Making of Christian Moravia (858-882): Papal Power and Political Reality (Leiden: Brill, 2014)’.
Networks and Neighbours 2:1 (2014): 128-30.
with Mariken Teeuwen and Irene van Renswoude.
Marginal Scholarship