I’m a master’s candidate in Digital Humanities at the University of Alberta, specializing in Gender & Social Justice Studies. I’m also the Wikipedian in Residence at the U of A Library for 2020. My undergraduate degree (2008) is from the Arts & Science Program at McMaster University and I have a master’s degree (2016) in Philanthropy and Nonprofit Leadership from Carleton University.
My current research interests revolve around investigating the online structures and networks that facilitate, encourage, or even necessitate ignorance and apathy, specifically with respect to white women and anti-racist work. Social networks and general online navigation are increasingly driven by algorithms which use our past behaviour to reveal a virtual world that reflects our own values and opinions; unless we seek it out, we are unlikely to encounter alternative viewpoints. I am curious to explore how we can work against this isolating aspect of digital worlds and foster positive, productive knowledge exchange online.