
Historian and digital humanist with particular interests in the history of science, manuscript studies, and transmissions of knowledge around the ancient and medieval Mediterranean. Currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate affiliated with Princeton University’s Center for Digital Humanities (CDH) and Manuscript, Rare Book & Archive Studies (MARBAS). Also contributing to the Inscriptions of Israel / Palestine (IIP) project, and previously taught in NYU’s Program in Digital Humanities and Social Science.

(Cover image source: MS Paris grec 2342 from gallica.bnf.fr / BnF.)


PhD, 2023: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
Ancient World

MPhil, 2019: Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University
Ancient World

BA, 2014: College of the Holy Cross
Classics, minor in Physics


Blog Posts



    Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

    Publications in Conference Volumes

    • (accepted) “Ordered Curricula from Greek into Arabic: The Little Astronomy and the Middle Books,” Collected studies of the University of Edinburgh’s International Graduate Conferences in Late Antique, Islamic and Byzantine Studies.

    • 2014. “Digital Editions and Diplomatic Diagrams”, Proceedings of the First International Conference on Digital Access to Textual Cultural Heritage. <https://doi.org/10.1145/2595188.2595189>

    Book Reviews

    • 2021. “Lambertus Willem Cornelis van Lit, Among Digitized Manuscripts. Philology, Codicology, Paleography in a Digital World,” Die Welt des Islams 61.1, 136-138. <https://doi.org/10.1163/15700607-61010008>

    Open Access Writing




    • 2014-2015. The Open Philology Project at Leipzig. Universität Leipzig.

    • 2011. The Homer Multitext Project. College of the Holy Cross. <https://www.homermultitext.org/>

    Upcoming Talks and Conferences

    Upcoming Talks


    • 2023. “Linguistic Analysis in the Inscriptions of Israel/Palestine Project” (with Christopher B. Zeichmann and Michael L. Satlow). ENCODE/Epigraphy.info VII Workshop (Leuven). <https://epigraphy.info/workshop_7_posters/>

    Christine Roughan

    Profile picture of Christine Roughan


    Active 1 year, 4 months ago