Textual scholarship (or textual studies) is an umbrella term for disciplines that deal with describing, transcribing, editing or annotating texts and physical documents (cit. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Textual_scholarship)
Antonio Rojas Castro deposited Nuevos retos en torno a la edición digital en la Oficina del Historiador in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 5 months, 1 week ago
Desde su establecimiento en 1938, la Oficina del Historiador de la Ciu-dad de La Habana ha sido un baluarte fundamental en la preservación y difusión del rico patrimonio cultural cubano, rescatando y rehabilitando monumentos, y creando instituciones clave como la Biblioteca Histórica Cubana y Americana y el Archivo Histórico. Del valioso ace…[Read more]
Evina Stein(ova) deposited Freising (Carolingian Minuscule Mapping Project) in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 6 months ago
This article was prepared for the Carolingian Minuscule Mapping Project in 2016. It surveys the development of Carolingian minuscule, a Latin script used in the earlier Middle Ages, at Freising in Bavaria. The article provides an overview of manuscripts copied, corrected, or annotated in Carolingian minuscule at Freising and summarises the…[Read more]
Marco Heiles deposited Johannes Hartlieb: Leben und Werk vor 1441 in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year ago
The identity of the Early High German author Johannes Hartlieb, who had been working as
a court physician in Munich since 1441, with a pleban of the same name who was installed in
Ingolstadt in 1436/37, was repeatedly called into question. The comparison of a letter of this
pleban with autograph documents of the Munich court physician confirms…[Read more] -
Anthony Cerulli deposited “Religion and Medicine in Sanskrit Literature: The Rāmāyaṇa and the Politics of an Epic Plant” in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year ago
In Vālmīki’s Sanskrit Rāmāyaṇa, in an episode I am calling ‘Hanumān’s medicine journey’, we learn about a resuscitative plant that grows in the Himalayas called saṃjīvanī. Although the plant has a somewhat unclear place in the materia medica of India’s classical ‘life science’ (āyurveda), in recent decades politicians in north India have attempte…[Read more]
Oscar Perea-Rodriguez deposited Auge y caída de ‘lo’ judeoconverso en La Celestina: un debate en decadencia in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year ago
Mis conversaciones con Joseph T. Snow, nuestro querido Pepe Nieves, como él mismo nos insta a llamarlo desde el contacto inicial, generalmente tienen lugar en la cafetería de la Biblioteca Nacional de Madrid, un insólito locus amoenus en el cual el más habitual inquilino del pupitre 99 de la Sala María Moliner ejerce con bondad y simpatía su papel…[Read more]
Antonio Rojas Castro deposited La publicación de ediciones digitales académicas y el caso de las Soledades de Luis de Góngora in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
Este artículo tiene por objetivo caracterizar el proceso de publicación de ediciones digitales académicas mediante herramientas informáticas que transforman documentos XML/TEI a HTML. Tras explicar las diferencias existentes entre las webs dinámicas y las webs estáticas en el primer apartado, se exponen algunos desafíos que supone el uso de herram…[Read more]
Antonio Rojas Castro deposited Cómo crear ediciones digitales académicas entre La Habana y Berlín. El caso de Proyecto Humboldt Digital (ProHD) in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
Studies on the Prussian writer and naturalist Alexander von Humboldt and editions of his work are abundant. Among the many outstanding chapters of his famous journey through the American tropics, the two visits to Cuba (1800–1801/1804) stand out as a particular case. To this day very few original documents are known about his actual visits, the c…[Read more]
Antonio Rojas Castro deposited Ediciones digitales académicas: concepto, estándares de calidad y software de publicación in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
Se revisa y discute el concepto de edición digital académica (EDA), así como las diversas denominaciones empleadas para hacer referencia a la misma. El estudio indaga en el alcance de los estándares de calidad planteados para este tipo de edición y explora los softwares para la publicación. Se completa el trabajo con un análisis evaluativo de una…[Read more]
Evina Stein(ova) deposited Parallel Glosses, Shared Glosses, and Gloss Clustering: Can Network-Based Approach Help Us to Understand Organic Corpora of Glosses? in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
Glossing was an important element of medieval western manuscript culture. However, glosses are notoriously difficult to analyze because of their triviality, fluid nature, heterogeneity of origin, complex transmission histories, and anonymity. Traditional scholarly approaches such as close reading and the genealogical method often do not produce…[Read more]
Oscar Perea-Rodriguez deposited El «Sumario del despensero» y la imagen de la política de Fernando I de Aragón con respecto a judíos y judeoconversos in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year, 6 months ago
El origen de este trabajo comenzó con el examen, para el proyecto de investigación PhiloBiblon–BETA (Bibliografía Española de Textos Antiguos) , de las diversas fuentes manuscritas que conforman una pequeña crónica conocida con el nombre de Sumario del despensero de la reina Leonor (BETA texid 2851). Desde la ya muy lejana edición de Llaguno…[Read more]
Oscar Perea-Rodriguez deposited Lírica anticonversa de los siglos XV y XVI: el Credo glosado contra los judíos, de Juan de Carvajal in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 1 year, 6 months ago
Desde el pionero trabajo de Glaser sobre el contenido antisemita de la literatura española de los siglos XV y XVI, que continuaba la abierta por las teorías de Américo Castro al respecto, la comunidad académica ha dedicado parte de sus esfuerzos a incrementar el conocimiento de temas y obras relacionadas de alguna u otra forma con lo que, sig…[Read more]
Gabrielle Dean started the topic Society for Textual Scholarship 2023 Conference: Design and Text in the discussion Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 2 years, 2 months ago
The Society for Textual Scholarship welcomes proposals from textual scholars, editors, designers, curators, and digital humanists across the disciplines for its upcoming in-person conference on the theme of Design and Text, June 1-3 2023, hosted by The New School, New York, NY. For CFP guidelines, please see the attached or visit the STS website…[Read more]
Amit Gvaryahu deposited REVIEW OF BENJAMIN PORAT, JUSTICE FOR THE POOR: THE PRINCIPLES OF WELFARE REGULATIONS, FROM BIBLICAL LAW TO RABBINIC LITERATURE in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 2 years, 5 months ago
Benjamin Porat’s Justice for the Poor differs from these books not only in that it is written in Hebrew (from the list above, only Wilfand’s 2014 book has been translated into Hebrew), but also because it envisions rabbinic charity as a branch of “law.” Porat is a law professor, and his book is jointly published by a law school, a think tank an…[Read more]
Wout Dillen deposited DH Benelux Journal 4. The Humanities in a Digital World in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 2 years, 6 months ago
The fourth volume of the DH Benelux Journal. This volume includes seven full-length, peer-reviewed articles that are based on accepted contributions to the 2021 virtual DH Benelux conference. Contents: 1. Editors’ Preface (Wout Dillen, Margherita Fantoli, Marijn Koolen, Marieke van Erp); 2. Introduction: The Humanities in a Digital World (Lorella…[Read more]
Evina Steinova deposited Early Medieval Latin Manuscripts Transmitting the Text of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville [excel datasheet] in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 2 years, 6 months ago
This excel file contains structured and formalized data about all surviving and identified early medieval Western manuscripts containing the text of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville, fully or partially. It records information about the place of origin, provenance, preservation, the date of origin, material properties, script, content, the…[Read more]
Evina Steinova deposited The glosses to the first book of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville [excel datasheet] in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 2 years, 6 months ago
This excel file contains the raw data behind the digital scholarly edition of the glosses to the first book of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville published at: https://db.innovatingknowledge.nl/edition
Evina Steinova deposited Annotation of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville in Its Early Medieval Context in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 2 years, 6 months ago
This article provides an overview of the annotated pre-1200 manuscripts of the Etymologiae of Isidore of Seville and discusses the nature and character of the annotation of this work. It shows that the Etymologiae was annotated principally in the early Middle Ages. The glossing took place in three contexts: in the insular world, perhaps in the…[Read more]
Oscar Perea-Rodriguez deposited La Breve crónica de Juana de Castilla y la fecha de nacimiento de la princesa (1462) in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 2 years, 7 months ago
El presente trabajo pretende probar que la fecha de nacimiento de la princesa Juana de Castilla, hija de Enrique IV y de Juana de Avís, habitualmente señalada el 28 de febrero de 1462, no se produjo este día, sino una semana después, el 7 de marzo del mismo año. La fecha de febrero procede de una fuente muy tardía, como son los A…[Read more]
Anthony Cerulli deposited “Pedagogy, Philology, and Procedural Medical Knowledge” in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 3 years, 1 month ago
This article probes the history of education and current pedagogical practices among Malayali physician-teachers, vaidya-gurus, of Ayurveda in central Kerala. Considering the sources vaidya-gurus cite as the bases of their teaching styles, especially a three-part method known as mukhāmukhaṃ (‘face-to-face’ instruction), I discuss the place, produc…[Read more]
Anthony Cerulli deposited “Disease: Discourse and interpretation in premodern South Asia” in the group Textual Scholarship on Humanities Commons 3 years, 3 months ago
In this article, I hitch the ever-present awareness of disease in my personal life and our shared world today to a pointed and academic reflection on the ways we consume and re-present information about disease from premodern South Asia that’s contained in texts.
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