This group will be a discussion forum and gathering place for those interested in any aspect of Queer and Trans German Studies.
Kyle Frackman deposited Homemade Pornography and the Proliferation of Queer Pleasure in East Germany in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 10 months ago
Like other Eastern Bloc countries, East Germany sought to control even its citizens’ leisure time in the 1960s and 1970s, with the goal of making it useful or at least not subversive to state interests. Certain hobbies, like amateur photography, found support from the state in the form of increased access to equipment and supplies. Other s…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited Sexuelle Befreiung und neue queere Solidarität durch PrEP in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 2 years, 8 months ago
Politikwissenschaftler und Sozialphilosoph Karsten Schubert beleuchtet den Zusammenhang von Sexualität und schwuler Politik und fragt, welche Art von Politik in welcher Situation der HIV-Pandemie begünstigt beziehungsweise verhindert wurde. Dazu erläutert er zwei Thesen
Karsten Schubert deposited Biopolitics of COVID-19: Capitalist Continuities and Democratic Openings in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 3 years ago
“Biopolitics” has become a popular concept for interpreting the COVID-19 pandemic, yet the term is often used vaguely, as a buzzword, and therefore loses its specificity and relevance. This article systematically explains what the biopolitical lens offers for analyzing and normatively criticizing the politics of the coronavirus. I argue that…[Read more]
Kyle Frackman deposited ‘Coming Out’ Teaching Guide in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 3 years, 4 months ago
A teaching guide to accompany the East German film “Coming Out” (1989, directed by Heiner Carow).
Karsten Schubert deposited A New Era of Queer Politics? PrEP, Foucauldian Sexual Liberation, and the Overcoming of Homonormativity in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 3 years, 5 months ago
Gay men have been severely affected by the AIDS crisis, and gay subjectivity, sexual ethics, and politics continue to be deeply influenced by HIV to this day. PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a new, drug-based HIV prevention technique, that allows disentangling gay sex from its widespread, 40 yearlong association with illness and death. This…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited Umkämpfte Kunstfreiheit – ein Differenzierungsvorschlag in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 3 years, 11 months ago
„Political Correctness“, „Identitätspolitik“ und „Cancel Culture“ werden heutzutage überwiegend als Waffen von Konservativen eingesetzt, um ihre Privilegien gegen emanzipative Neuregelungen zu verteidigen. Solche Neuregelungen als Einschränkung der Kunst- und Meinungsfreiheit zu kritisieren ist deshalb meist falsch. Tatsächlich tragen „Politic…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited Demokratisierung durch „Cancel Culture“: Zum Verhältnis von Kunstfreiheit und Emanzipation in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 4 years, 1 month ago
Vor wenigen Tagen hat das Hamburger Kabarett-Theater Schmidts Tivoli die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Komiker Kay Ray beendet, offenbar weil rassistische Witze in der Show einen zentralen Platz einnehmen. Kurz nach der Cancel-Affäre zwischen Lisa Eckhart und dem Hamburger Nochtspeicher sieht sich nun auch Ray als Opfer von „Cancel Culture“, die die Kuns…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited Queere und schwule Theorie (Foucault Rezeption) in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 4 years, 2 months ago
Foucault bildet eine zentrale Grundlage der queeren und schwulen Theorie, die sich seit den späten 1980er Jahren insbesondere in den USA entwickelt hat. Seine Macht- und Subjekttheorie ist die Basis für eine nicht- essentialistische Analyse von Sexualität und für die Kritik ihrer normierenden Wirkung, die Foucault selbst in Der Wille zum Wis…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited Queerness and Liberal Law: The Tension between Emancipation and Naturalization. Comment on Elisabeth Holzleithner in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 4 years, 4 months ago
Thank you very much for this excellent presentation. In my comment I aim to render more explicit some fundamental tensions or contradictions between legal emancipation and queerness, which are at stake in your description of the legal frameworks for the protection of queers. It thereby reopens the question of the strategic choice between appealing…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited PrEP als demokratische Biopolitik. Zur Kritik der biopolitischen Repressionshypothese – oder: die pharmazeutische Destigmatisierung des Schwulseins. in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 4 years, 4 months ago
PrEP (Präexpositionsprophylaxe) ist ein relativ neues Mittel zur Prävention von HIV-Infektionen. HIV negative Menschen nehmen antivirale Medikamente ein, die verhindern, dass der Kontakt mit dem Virus zu einer Infektion führt. Im Gegensatz zum Kondomgebrauch basiert dieses Präventionsverfahren auf Medikamenten und nicht auf einer Ver…[Read more]
Anna Hajkova deposited Den Holocaust queer erzaehlen in the group Queer and Trans German Studies on Humanities Commons 4 years, 8 months ago
This article is a first original exploration of queer Holocaust history, that is same sex desire between Jews who had been deported to ghettos and concentration camps. The prisoner society in the Nazi camps was characterized by wide-reaching homophobia which used construction of sexual deviance as a tool of othering. It brought about…[Read more]
Louise Barrière replied to the topic CfP – Conference – LGBTI and Queer Arts, Culture & Activisms in the discussion Queer German Studies on Humanities Commons 4 years, 11 months ago
The deadline has been extended! The CfP now runs until March 15th.
Louise Barrière started the topic CfP – Conference – LGBTI and Queer Arts, Culture & Activisms in the discussion Queer German Studies on Humanities Commons 4 years, 11 months ago
Conference dates: 11th and 12th June 2020
CfP Deadline: 28th February
[Deadline might be subject to extension due to an ongoing strike in French universities. I will inform you if this is the case, but we recommend to get your abstract in as soon as possible in any…[Read more] -
Marco Heiles deposited Einführung in die Gender Studies für Altgermanisten. Semesterprogramm und bibliographische Hinweise in the group Queer German Studies on Humanities Commons 5 years, 3 months ago
Einführung in die Gender Studies für Altgermanisten. Semesterprogramm und bibliographische Hinweise
Kyle Frackman deposited Based on a True Story: Tracking What is Queer about German Queer Documentary in the group Queer German Studies on Humanities Commons 6 years, 5 months ago
“Unter Männern” weaves together three threads of, first, historically relevant memory recited by its chosen protagonists; second, some personal history on the part of the primary filmmaker (i.e., director Ringo Rösener); and, third, between and among them, filmic artifacts or evidence of life in the GDR. This documentary presents the a…[Read more]