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Claudia Berger deposited Making Research Tactile: Critical Making and Data Physicalization in Digital Humanities in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 3 months, 2 weeks ago
This special issue of dh+lib introduces our readers to how digital humanities can integrate data physicalization into the research process and how data
physicalization is a form of critical making. Seven case studies are presented here, ranging from how we can use data physicalization to teach digital methods to how data physicalization can aid…[Read more] -
Afshin Rashid deposited Nanoelectronics Technology has Dedicated some Very Exciting Materials to Improve the Sensing Phenomenon in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Nanoelectronics technology has dedicated some very exciting materials to improve the sensing phenomenon. The use of various nanomaterials, including nanoparticles, nanotubes, nanotubes, and nanowires, causes faster identification and reproducibility in a much better way. The unique properties of nanomaterials such as high electrical conductivity,…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Examining the Band Gap Structure of Nano-Electronic Devices, in Addition to Introducing a Method for Researching the Performance of One-Dimensional Systems in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 4 months, 2 weeks ago
based on organic materials can be mechanically exible to a large extent because of the loose intermolecular bonds in the nano-electrons created from them. Unlike these organic materials, minerals such as silicon, germanium, and gallium arsenide can be used in the structure of electronic devices only in crystalline states, and in this case,…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Signal Measurement Electrochemical Methods are very Suitable for Detecting Direct DNA Oxidation because Electrochemical Reactions Directly Generate Electronic Signals in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Signal measurement Electrochemical methods are very suitable for detecting direct DNA oxidation because electrochemical reactions directly generate electronic signals and therefore do not require expensive converters. In addition, in this process, because the order of the immobilized game can be limited to onlya series of electrode substrates, the…[Read more]
Luis Ernesto Paz Enrique deposited De la inclusión social a la inclusión educativa. Un estudio bibliométrico en América Latina in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 5 months, 3 weeks ago
Los autores del presente capítulo, presentan una síntesis analítica del tratamiento que en la Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe han recibido los campos científicos inclusión educativa y educación inclusiva, para lo que, se recurre al estudio bibliométrico como recurso metodológico, como parte del cual, se siguieron los siguientes pasos:…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Nanoantennas distribution of alternating current (with a wavelength that is ۱۰۰ times smaller than the wavelength of free space) in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months ago
The use of graphene helps to solve this problem to a great extent. The speed of propagation of waves in CNTs and GNRs can be 100 times lower than its speed in vacuum, and this is related to the physical structure, temperature and energy. Based on this, the resonance frequency of graphene-based nano-antennas can be two orders of magnitude lower…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Oligophenylene vanillin (silicon/germanium ) structured nanowires and cylinders for possible applications in electronic energy” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: Oligophenylene vanillin (silicon/germanium) structure nano wires and cylinders are used for possible applications in energy, electronics, optics and other fields. Oligophenylene vanillin nanowires (Si Silicon / Germanium Gi) , narrow structures whose diameter is only a few billionths of a meter but thousands or millions of times longer. They…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Propagation of Oligophenylene vanillin nanowires by focused ion beam (FIB) nanolithography method (below ۱۰۰ nm – ۱۰ nm range)” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: From the physical properties of Oligophenylene vanillin nanowires, we can mention their electrical, photoelectric and mechanical properties. Nanowires (SiNWs) have high mobility and surface-to-volume ratio, which makes them easy to control using a weak electric field. These one-dimensional nanostructures are created from nanowires with a…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Nano wire immersion method (structure and function)” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Structural study with FESEM in the immersion method of single-stranded nanowires in all porosities and in alarge area of nanowire particles are formed. Changing the Sr / Fe ratio does not change the morphology of thenanowires. And spectroscopy of nanowires with a ratio of Sr / Fe states within the nano-particles inside(nanowires uniform) elements…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “High speed (doping) nMOS graphene transistor in p- and n-doping electronic circuits (positive and negative)” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: The term graphene nMOS transistor comes from the combination of the words graphene and nMOS transistor in transmission and resistance. In a nMOS graphene field effect transistor, the resistance between two electrodes can be transferred or controlled by a third electrode. In a multilayer graphene field effect nMOS transistor, the current…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “(Field effect nano transistors) Nano transistor electronic quantity and ionization potential)” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: In the nano transistor structure, the electronic quantity that is more easily available is the ionization potential, and the ionization potential is greater in the size of the small grains of the nano structure (smaller particles), that is, as the size of the particles increases, their ionization potential decreases. Finds. An increase in…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Investigating the performance of ( C۶۰ and C۷۰ endohistal bucky tubes and nano-fullers ) and diamond in the manufacture of nano-electronic devices” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
The C70 carbon molecule can withstand a wide range of new chemical reactions. The third allotropic form iscarbon (after graphite and diamond). Fullerenes made up of less than 300 carbon atoms (sadial follicles) arecommonly known as “bacilli.”The molecule is fullerenes, which are made up of 70 carbon atoms. C70 FullerenesClosed hollow cages are mad…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Normally, the length of nanowires is more than 1000 times greater than their diameter. This huge difference in ratio (length to diameter) compared to nanowires is often referred to as ۱D materials” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Nanowires are less than 100 nm in diameter and can be as small as 3 nm. Typically, nanowires are more than1000 times larger than their diameter. This huge difference in length-to-diameter ratio compared to nanowires isoften referred to as 1D materials. This leads to unique properties not seen in bulk materials, The minute size ofnanowires means…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Nano Fullerenes with The Ability to Store Electrostatic Energy That can be Used as Nano Supercapacitors With Very High Capacity” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: Nano fullerenes with the ability to store electrostatic energy that can be used as nanosupercapacitors with very high capacity. Also, with these nanotubes, the nervous network canbe repaired. Carbon nano fullerenes are allotropes of carbon such as diamond and graphite. Thesecompounds are made of carbon and take on spherical and elliptical…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Micro and nano-electromechanical systems ( MEMS / NEMS ) are devices in which the physical motion of a micro- or nano-scale structure is controlled by an electronic circuit” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: MEMS / NEMS devices enable precise control of these nanoscale interactions and provide an ideal platform for interaction with the nanoscale world. It involves the integration of sub-micron-active materials and elements that combine mechanical, optical and electrical signals to produce nanostructured structures. Micro and…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Production of nano supercapacitors using nanoparticles (a piezoelectric and ferroelectric material)” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: Production of nano supercapacitors using nanoparticles that can be polarized so that electricalenergy can be stored. Nanostructure multilayer technology (solid state) is a known dielectric materialused in nano supercapacitors because it is a piezoelectric and ferroelectric material. In this work, bycreating passive filters, they provide…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “_ Lindemann’s change structure section in electrical nanostructures Lindemann change / (change structure) in multilayer nanostructures” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: In nanoelectronics technology, special parameters and systems must be used to perform suchprocesses. For example, in the metal marking process, it is inevitable to use copper metal instead of thecommon aluminum metal for internal connections between different practical parts. However, the rapidpenetration of Cu atoms under Si during heat…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “distribution of nanotubes by NIR-vis-UV absorption spectroscopyresulting in preparation like valence electrons (dopingP)” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: Nanotube distribution by absorption spectroscopy. Of two adjacent nanotubes, the interaction ofcarbons with van der Waals bond energy of about can cause the formation of clusters or threads to beparallel. Creating bunches in the electronic structure of the tubes creates disturbance and causes the redshift of their absorption peaks, which…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “bipolar transistors (pMOS) have a state voltage connected (Von) around ۲ to ۳ volts” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
This electronic component is a bipolar transistor that uses a Mosfet at its input, and it is actually a combination of bipolar transistors (pMOS) and (Mosfet) and by combining the advantages of the two, it is an electrical element. An industry has been created with high switching speed and low input current. bipolar transistors (pMOS) are able to…[Read more]
Afshin Rashid deposited Review of: “Nano supercapacitor called (electrostatic) — The total thickness of each < a i=4>electrostatic nanocapacitors only 25 nm” in the group Library & Information Science on Humanities Commons 6 months, 1 week ago
Note: Electrostatic nanocapacitors also benefit from a very short distance between their electrodes. Electrostatic nanocapacitors are unique in this respect. If the electrodes are far apart, like charges on their surface strongly repel each other. When the electrodes are placed closer together, the negative and positive charges on both sides…[Read more]
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