For those interested in thinking the humanities through the analytical categories of sex and sexuality.
Christopher Griffin deposited Colonial Cisnationalism: Notes on Empire and Gender in the UK’s Migration Policy in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 9 months, 1 week ago
Since 2023, the UK government’s response to the “migrant crisis” has revolved around two controversial flagship policies: the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda, and the detention of migrants aboard a giant barge. In this short article, I examine the colonial and gendered dimensions of the two policies, finding them to be examples of the col…[Read more]
Angelos Bollas deposited Hegemonic Monosexuality in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
Recent scholarly work has focused on the erasure and mistreatment of bisexuality in histories of sexuality. Such erasure is not only observed in academic work but also in the lived experiences of people who identify as plurisexuals. The present paper brings together studies on bisexuality, hegemony, and sexual politics to explain the discursively…[Read more]
Angelos Bollas deposited Viral representations: It’s a Sin in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
Belonging to the retrovision genre, It’s a Sin (2021) dramatizes the early years of the pandemic. Audiences are shown what reality was like before and immediately after the outbreak of HIV/AIDS. It narrates the transition from a sex-positive era where non-heterosexual people were standing up for their freedom to love, have sex and enjoy life to a…[Read more]
Angelos Bollas deposited Men, Sides, and Homosexism: A Small-Scale Empirical Study of the Lived Experiences of Men Who Identify as Sides in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
The present study contributes to recent scholarship on homosexism and side sexualities by providing empirical evidence that supports stigmatizing societal responses to non-penetrative sexual practices among men who have sex with men as well as to those engaging in such practices. The study provides a close reading of two scenes of the series…[Read more]
Angelos Bollas deposited A framework toward inclusive practices in EFL: The example of LGBTQI+ identities in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
Equality, diversity, and inclusion are at the core of all educational reforms taking place at this moment around the world. However, the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) industry has not yet followed through. This chapter focuses on the inclusion of LGBTQI+ references in EFL materials as an example of inclusive practice but aims to be adaptable…[Read more]
Angelos Bollas deposited Homoterrorism: Definition, Application, Subversion in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
On Friday, September 21, 2018, news reports on Greek corporate media announced the death of a man who had allegedly attempted to rob a jewellery store. The media announcement was accompanied by video footage in which two civilians were shown violently attacking the alleged thief while the latter was attempting to escape the jewellery store. A…[Read more]
Rafael Neis deposited In Comics: When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
In comics: how ancient rabbis upend “traditional” ideas of reproduction, gender, and humanity. A blog post commissioned by UC Press Blog about the book When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis and the Reproduction of Species.
Link: htt…[Read more]
Rafael Neis deposited Book Preview: Rabbis & the Reproduction of Species in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 7 months ago
This is pre-publication preview introduces the major questions, methods, and insights of my book When a Human Gives Birth to a Raven: Rabbis & the Reproduction of Species (UC Press, 2023).
Christopher Griffin deposited Recognition Against Liberation: On the UK’s Unreformed Gender Recognition Act in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 8 months ago
In this short article I argue that the UK government’s decision not to update the Gender Recognition Act 2004 (GRA) is more than a missed opportunity. It weaponises the GRA, now an effective instrument of assimilation and containment. The failure to reform the GRA seems like a maintenance of the status quo, but given that the circumstances have s…[Read more]
Massih Zekavat deposited Satire, Humor, and Environmental Crises in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 10 months ago
Satire, Humor, and Environmental Crises explores how satire and humor can be employed to address and mitigate ecological crises at individual and collective levels.
Besides scientific and technological endeavors, solutions to ecological crises must entail social and communicative reform to persuade citizens, corporations, organizations, and…[Read more]
Kyle Frackman deposited Homemade Pornography and the Proliferation of Queer Pleasure in East Germany in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 1 year, 10 months ago
Like other Eastern Bloc countries, East Germany sought to control even its citizens’ leisure time in the 1960s and 1970s, with the goal of making it useful or at least not subversive to state interests. Certain hobbies, like amateur photography, found support from the state in the form of increased access to equipment and supplies. Other s…[Read more]
Ryan Lee Cartwright deposited Sissies, Loafers, and the Feebleminded in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 2 years, 3 months ago
Focusing on rural white communities in the early twentieth century, this article examines how disability, queerness, and economic estrangement were intertwined in American eugenic assessments of the “unfit.” In doing so, it attends to the knotty relations of power by which such communities were simultaneously adjudged deviant and bestowed with the…[Read more]
Gennady Shkliarevsky deposited SETTING RIGHT LGBTQ RIGHTS in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 2 years, 4 months ago
In the current social and political turmoil, few issues are more divisive and cause more controversy than issues related to the rights of sexual minorities and gender dissidents. The polarizing impact of these issues is really astounding given the size of these two groups. Explanations for this divisiveness of LGBTQ rights focus on either the…[Read more]
Kyle Frackman deposited Archival Research Guide for Grad Students in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 2 years, 5 months ago
This document is a basic guide for graduate students who need to work in archives or other special libraries. The guide includes items to bring or have on hand as well as steps for planning your visit and organizing your notes.
Pramod Ranjan deposited पत्रकारिता और पुस्तक प्रकाशन में नैतिकता का सवाल एक पत्र in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 2 years, 6 months ago
यह पत्र नई दिल्ली से प्रकाशित फारवर्ड प्रेस नामक द्विभाषी पत्रिका और पुस्तक प्रकाशन संस्थान के मालिक को लिखा गया था। यह पत्रिका वर्ष 2011 से 2016 के बीच अपने तार्किक तेवर और दलित, आदिवासी व अन्य पिछड़े वर्गों की हिमायत करने के कारण चर्चित रही थी। पत्रिका ने अन्य अनेक कामों के साथ इस दौरान हिंदू मिथकों का दलित-बहुजन नजरिए से पुर्नपाठ प्रस…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited Sexuelle Befreiung und neue queere Solidarität durch PrEP in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 2 years, 8 months ago
Politikwissenschaftler und Sozialphilosoph Karsten Schubert beleuchtet den Zusammenhang von Sexualität und schwuler Politik und fragt, welche Art von Politik in welcher Situation der HIV-Pandemie begünstigt beziehungsweise verhindert wurde. Dazu erläutert er zwei Thesen
Eileen A. Fradenburg Joy deposited Improbable Modes of Being in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 3 years ago
This mini-essay was published as part of a “dossier” of authors discussing various forms of “queer inhumanisms.” In my piece, I address the relations between queer studies and post/humanist studies through the lens of Michel Foucault’s 1981 interview, “Friendship as a Way of Life.” These relations are tied together in critique but also in various…[Read more]
Eileen Joy deposited All That Remains Unnoticed, I Adore: Spencer Reese’s Addresses in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 3 years ago
An commentary upon the poet Spencer Reese, and more specifically, upon Reece’s “addresses” in his book “The Clerk’s Tale: Poems” (Houghton Mifflin, 2004) in light of Barbara Johnson’s work on the “apostrophe” in her book chapter “Toys R Us,” in her book “Persons and Things” (Harvard University Press, 2008), and also in light of Graham Harman’s…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited Brauchen wir Political Correctness? Ein politisches Streitgespräch in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 3 years, 1 month ago
Für ein Gespräch über die Themen Political Correctness, Identitätspolitik, Streitkultur und die Rolle der politischen Bildung kamen im Juli 2021 Saba-Nur Cheema von der Bildungsstätte Anne Frank und Dr. Karsten Schubert von der Universität Freiburg in einem Zoom-Raum zusammen. Die Fragen stellten Prof. Dr. Beate Rosenzweig und Petra Barz, beide…[Read more]
Karsten Schubert deposited Konstruktivistische Identitätspolitik. Warum Demokratie partikulare Positionierung erfordert in the group LGBTQ Studies on Humanities Commons 3 years, 2 months ago
Identity politics is subject to similar critiques in contemporary public debate and political theory. A central topos of this critique is that identity politics is essentializing: it fixes subjects to their social position and resorts to a politics of
particularity that leads to divisions in national citizenship and democratic discourse (the…[Read more] - Load More