The project, based at the University of Pittsburgh, seeks to advance critical understanding of where data comes from and how it is used, setting the present moment within a century-long history of information supply and its power-laden consequences. We trace the interlinked processes through which the creation of data (and its absence) has played out both within society as a whole, and within the academic disciplines to which we turn for our understandings of societies, cultures, and individuals. How are information sources generated, to what end, and with what results for our collective ability to see—or to ignore? This in an inquiry into the social and political life of data, both within the academy and in the wider world.
Lucy Montgomery deposited Open Scholarship Resource Matching Worksheet in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 1 year, 2 months ago
This resource matching worksheet asks learners to match a goal to the appropriate open scholarship infrastructure or information resource. It was created to accompany the curated list ‘Resources to Support Open Scholarship’ which is available at this link:
Briana Wipf edited the post Use-inspired science in oil spills and pandemics: A visit with RAND’s Melissa Finucane in the group Information Ecosystems: on Humanities Commons 3 years, 4 months ago
After a half-year intermission, on Friday, Nov. 13, the University of Pittsburgh’s Mellon-Sawyer Seminar Information Ecosystems: Creating Data (and Absence) from the Quantitative to the Digital Age welcomed Melissa L. Finucane, senior social and behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation in Pittsburgh. With a portfolio of work that includes s…[Read more]
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Digital Access and Inequality among Primary School Children in Rural Coimbatore in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
This paper examines the dynamics of access and exclusion in children’s Internet use, in
both private and public school spaces and interrogates the role of socioeconomic and
demographic predictors as well as the schooling system in shaping Internet habits. More
specifically, it explores the nature of Internet use by primary school children, m…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Social Media Challenges and Adoption Patterns among Public Relations Practitioners in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
Social media has altered the design of modern society. It has changed the way people lived
and worked. Though no profession or industry is left untouched by the communication
revolution stirred by social media, yet communication professionals bore maximum impact.
This paper analyzed the usage and perception of public relation (PR) professionals…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Community-based Media in Promoting Identity and Culture: A Case Study in Eastern Thailand in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
This paper analyses the role of community-based media in information distribution in the
Riverside community, a cultural tourism destination in Chanthaburi, Eastern Thailand. It
has started to produce its own media, and to use social networks to promote itself to the
nation. Exploring the role of community media produced by locals will…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Twittering Public Sentiments: a Predictive Analysis of Pre-Poll Twitter Popularity of Prime Ministerial Candidates for the Indian Elections 2014 in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
Twitter is a useful tool for predicting election outcomes, effectively complementing traditional opinion
polling. This study undertakes a volume, sentiment and engagement analysis for predicting the
popularity of Prime Ministerial candidates on Twitter as a run-up to the Indian Elections 2014. The
results from a survey of 2,37,639 pre-poll…[
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Political Mapping of Media in India in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
Every day media is interpreting the space with a new name, identity and representation.
The media discourse shaped in such extent that the identity of a space is deflecting from
original and existing together with new name both together as well. The constructed
identity and existing identity of the region is shaped in such an extent that the…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited What Gamification Tells us about Web Communication in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
The games that have become a staple on Facebook provide lessons on how to make websites and
Internet marketing more successful. We highlight these points that gamers have accomplished: Provide
ideological agreement, Create a community, Provide a sense of control or autonomy, Create a way for
people to communicate with each other, Recognize…[
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Non-Embodied Embodiment: Transgenderism, Identity, and the Internet in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
Online, no one can tell that you’re a dog. When in the third space of the internet, the body
is left behind, allowing people to explore their own identities and to engage in identity
tourism with different possible bodies. It is the representations we choose for ourselves
online that allow this exploration, the icons and avatars we create t…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Social Media and Image Management: An Analysis of Facebook Usage in Celebrity Public Relations in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
Creation and maintenance of a favourable image is an essential function of public relations
and social media is emerging as an important weapon in this image management armoury.
The social media environment provides an opportunity to reach out to a variety of public in
a more intimate and interactive way especially in the case of celebrity…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Influence of Facebook in Pakistani Pedagogy in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
This study grounds itself in the communication, information sharing, discussion and cocreation potential of ICTs with reference to social media-Facebook. Taking a qualitative
approach, it explores the above as building blocks of new educational paradigms of learner
autonomy; learner-centered education and co-creation of knowledge through…[
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Social Media Usage and Physical Inactivity among School Children in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
The power of social media is virtually untameable. The advent of social media has shrunk
the world to what Marshal McLuhan once termed ‘global village’. This paper has examined
into the amount of time government and private school students spent on social media
vis-à-vis on physical activities. It has attempted to answer the questions: (i) How…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Impact of Social Media on the Vanity Level of Youngsters in India in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
This paper is an attempt to measure the impact of social media on the vanity level of
youngsters in India. An experimental research was conducted on a controlled group of 40
participants with an average age of 23 years. Netemeyer’s vanity scale was administered
on the participants and their vanity was measured. A month later, the participants i…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Cultivating Connections in 140 Characters: A Case Study of Twitter Relationship Building in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
Social media use is ubiquitous in the United States. Not surprisingly, an academic debate
has emerged about whether or not computer-mediated communication facilitates or hurts
interpersonal relationships. This exploratory case study adds to the conversation by
assessing how Twitter users in the Wichita, Kansas community view the impact of…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Thriving in the Digital Reality of the Cyber World: Towards a New Teaching and Learning Design in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
The digital literacy and awareness are now not just bound with education. The digital expansion is now a part of social, political, cultural, economic, community, and intellectual life. The education systems at business schools need to help future managers to understand and benefit from their engagement with digital technology and digital…[Read more]
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited An analysis of VICE Media’s Expedient Commodification of Modern Hipster Culture as a Motif of Contemporary Capitalism in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
VICE Media has risen from a local Canadian counterculture magazine to an international corporate giant. Bloomberg Business has valued the company at over $1 billion, while other reputable outlets have placed VICE’s worth at many times that. Remarkably, through its ascension to mainstream relevancy and despite getting into bed with some of the w…[Read more]
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited What is Political about Political Economy: A Rejoinder to the Fuchs-Winseck Debate in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
This paper uses the Winseck-Fuchs debate as a case study in assessing how value preferences shape definitions, predicate logic, and axiomatic reasoning, and in turn influence the analysis of institutions. The study identify and contrast the explanatory power behind different modes of institutional analysis often applied in the study of…[Read more]
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Social Mobilization in the Net Space: Re-Constructed Communication, Identity and Power in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
The internet as a communication platform for netizens has become the hybrid space for social mobilization to forward political agenda. A take-off from Manuel Castells’ hypotheses on power and counter-power in the network society, this paper is a reading of “Boycott SM Baguio” Facebook Group Page as a space and site for social mobilization. Using…[Read more]
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Bribery and Corruption among Indian Journalists:A Survey in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
Bribery among journalists could be seen widely in many places but is a comparatively less
researched topic. It would be surprising for an average news consumer to know that the
sometimes news story he reads in print or views on television might be the product of a
bribe or some sort of incentive received by the journalist who covered that news.…[Read more] -
Jyotirmaya Patnaik deposited Indian Consumers’ Beliefs, Attitudes, and Behavioural Responses towards Advertising on Social Networking Sites in the group Information Ecosystems on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
Advertising is an important facet of marketing of a product or a company. The
marketers are using myriad ways to influence the consumers’ purchase behaviour.
One of the latest trends is advertising on social networking sites. This study is
an attempt to examine the beliefs, attitudes and responses towards
advertisements on social networking s…[Read more] - Load More