A space for gathering resources and discussing ways to advocate for the humanities.
Francesco Luzzini deposited Going (More) Historical: On Environment, Science, and Discourse in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 6 months, 4 weeks ago
In: “Storia e Filosofia della Scienza: una nuova alleanza?”, ed. F. Minazzi, Milan, Mimesis, 2024, pp. 175-182.
Francesco Luzzini deposited Going (More) Historical: On Environment, Science, and Discourse in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 6 months, 4 weeks ago
In: “Storia e Filosofia della Scienza: una nuova alleanza?”, ed. F. Minazzi, Milan, Mimesis, 2024, pp. 175-182.
Tobias Steiner deposited Pluralities: Scholar-led publishing und Open Access. Zur Rolle von scholar-led publishing in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (Teil 1) in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 2 years, 4 months ago
Publication cultures in academia are as diverse as their underlying research cultures. In today’s often normative discourse on Open Access, there is a danger that this diversity will be neglected or even lost in the medium term in favor of techno-solutionist implementations. In the following, I will therefore take a closer look at the approach of…[Read more]
Tobias Steiner deposited Old Traditions: Scholar-led publishing und Open Access – zu den Anfängen digitalen scholar-led Publishings in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (Teil 2) in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 2 years, 4 months ago
Publication cultures in academia are as diverse as their underlying research cultures. In today’s often normative discourse on Open Access, there is a danger that this diversity will be neglected or even lost in the medium term in favor of techno-solutionist implementations. In the following, I will therefore take a closer look at the approach of…[Read more]
Tobias Steiner deposited New Communities: Scholar-led publishing und Open Access – aktuelle scholar-led Publishing-Initiativen und Open Access in den Geistes- und Sozialwissenschaften (Teil 3) in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 2 years, 4 months ago
Publication cultures in academia are as diverse as their underlying research cultures. In today’s often normative discourse on Open Access, there is a danger that this diversity will be neglected or even lost in the medium term in favor of techno-solutionist implementations. In the following, I will therefore take a closer look at the approach of…[Read more]
Gary Hall deposited Defund Culture in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 2 years, 8 months ago
The spread of the Omicron variant this winter was met with renewed calls for the UK Government to fund the arts and culture through the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic and beyond. ‘We are in crisis mode’, Nicolas Hytner, former artistic director of the National Theatre, told the BBC’s Newsnight programme. ‘We need to see short-term finance, we need to see loa…[Read more]
William Nichols deposited Telling the story of Iberian Cultural Studies: Spaces of convergence and the defense of the Humanities in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 3 years, 1 month ago
While many in academia around the U.S. may anchor themselves in cynical opposition to the proliferation of neoliberal discourse and the policies that accompany, I propose that language departments are in a uniquely privileged position within the humanities to assert the value of our programs within the neoliberal paradigm. Specifically, the…[Read more]
Kath Burton started the topic Public Humanities and Publication working paper in the discussion Humanities March on Humanities Commons 4 years ago
Today we are posting the first paper from the Publishing and Publicly Engaged Humanities working group: https://hcommons.org/?get_group_doc=1003800/1611561373-PublicHumanitiesandPublication_workingpaper2021.pdf
Exploring the challenges associated with the publication of public and publicly engaged humanities scholarship, this paper is the…[Read more]
William Nichols deposited At the Crossroads: Learning to Speak the (Foreign) Language of Higher Education Leadership in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 4 years, 7 months ago
More than ten years have passed since the 2007 MLA Ad Hoc Committee of Foreign Languages report recommended structural and curricular change initiatives to counteract the growing crisis in postsecondary world language education. Almost a decade earlier, Heidi Byrnes had already expounded on the need to replace persistent bifurcated curricular…[Read more]
James Elkins started the topic Online summer reading group on Joyce and Schmidt in the discussion Humanities March on Humanities Commons 4 years, 9 months ago
Announcing a reading group on the limits of the novel
June 6 – August 29
I’d like to invite everyone to an online reading group on Finnegans Wake and Arno Schmidt’s novel Bottom’s Dream. We’ll be focusing on the way both books threaten the narrative of the traditional novel by privileging language, scholarly apparatus, and other material. T…[Read more]
Steven Aoun deposited Reviews of Lord of the Rings (Return of the King), Passion of Christ and Schindlers List in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 4 years, 12 months ago
A very critical overview of seemingly disparate films
Gary Hall deposited On Class in Elitist Britain in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 5 years, 7 months ago
A report published by the Sutton Trust and Social Mobility Commission this week, ‘Elitist Britain’, found that two fifths (39%) of Britain’s ‘leading people’ were educated privately, more than five times as many as in the population as a whole, with almost one quarter (24%) graduating from Oxbridge. I therefore thought it would be timely to publis…[Read more]
Tobias Steiner deposited TV Studies for all? On Open Access and Publishing in TV and Media Studies in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 5 years, 11 months ago
Personal perspective on the current state of open access and publishing practices in the fields of Television and Media Studies, and pointers to a variety of scholar-led initiatives and options of where scholars can actually publish open access in their field without the payment of Article Processing Charges (APCs).
Gary Hall deposited Cities of InfraRed in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 5 years, 12 months ago
Cities of InfraRed is an abstract for my proposed contribution to a book that is being put together by Cornelia Sollfrank, Shuhsa Niederberger and Felix Stalder. The book has the working title of Aesthetics of the Commons, and arises out of the Creating Commons research project at the Zurich University of the Arts.
A version of Cities of…[Read more]
William Nichols deposited Telling the Story of Iberian Studies: Spaces of Convergence and the Defense of the Humanities in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 6 years ago
This is a paper that I presented at the 2019 MLA in Chicago. In this paper I situate discussions of the field of Iberian Studies within the context of the crisis of the Humanities and the future of Cultural Studies.
Gary Hall deposited Übercapitalism and What Can Be Done About It in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 6 years, 3 months ago
We live in an increasingly übercapitalist society. It’s übercapitalist in that a specific version of neoliberalism, characterised by low pay, zero-hours and fixed-term contracts, is growing ever more aggressive; and that the disruptive technology firm Uber offers one of the most high-profile examples of this intensified form of deregulated cap…[Read more]
Olalekan Adigun deposited People, Power, and Change: Analysing the Causes of Power Shifts in Africa Since the Cold War in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 7 years ago
This paper attempts to provide answers to the following questions: What are the causes of political changes in Africa in the 21st century? Are these changes people-led? What are the challenges militating against people-led political changes in Africa? The paper takes a look at the nature of the post-colonial states of Africa since the Cold War…[Read more]
Eirikur Smari Sigurdarson deposited Drowning by Numbers. Evaluating Social Capacities in the group Advocating for the Humanities on Humanities Commons 7 years, 6 months ago
Impact and evaluation of research in the humanities has been the subject of several recent publications (e.g. Benneworth et al. 2016, Ochsner et al. 2016, Severinson 2017). A common theme is the need for a re-evaluation of how the humanities are evaluated, as well as for research on the effects of evaluation practices on the humanities (Ochsner et…[Read more]
Nicky Agate replied to the topic Resources in the discussion Humanities March on Humanities Commons 8 years ago
We the People petition to “Preserve the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities.” Needs 100,000 signatures by Feb 20!
Nicky Agate replied to the topic Resources in the discussion Humanities March on Humanities Commons 8 years ago
Humanities Moments, a project of the National Humanities Center, tells stories of the humanities having a positive impact on people’s lives.
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