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Challenge #3: CORE (6/25-7/8)

10 replies, 8 voices Last updated by Mollie Freier 6 years, 6 months ago
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  • Author
    • #14651

      Caitlin Duffy

      Welcome to our third challenge!

      Challenge #3 focuses on all things CORE. guiding you through the dual processes of finding relevant CORE deposits and uploading your own work to the CORE Repository.

      The full details and instructions for our third challenge can be found on our blog.

      Use this space to share your accomplishments, challenges, and discoveries once you’ve completed the challenge. Did you learn anything through this challenge? Which CORE deposits did you find and download? How did you find them?  Did you come across any challenges or difficulties? Did you share your CORE deposit with the group? If so, what is it? How did you choose what to upload for this challenge?

      I look forward to checking out your CORE deposits and hearing your experiences with our third challenge! Keep up the great work and discussion!

    • #14654

      Dana Gavin

      This is the challenge I have been waiting for, because I have felt utterly unsure what work I could/should share. This is fantastic.

      I think today I am going to clean up and upload two papers I presented at two conferences. I have only presented them, not even tried to publish them, which made me leery for some reason about putting them on CORE. After reading the blog post, though, I feel far more confident about doing this. I have seen and appreciated how scholars at conferences I couldn’t attend made their work available, and I found it incredibly helpful and generous given how difficult and expensive it is to travel. I want to be part of the community that shares, so that while it’s great to be there in person and all, it’s not a complete barrier to academic entry if you cannot sit face-to-face with me while I present. I’ll benefit from more exposure and hopefully conversation, and hopefully I’ll be helping to nurture the culture of generosity I have appreciated.

    • #14696

      Sara Santos

      I echo Dana’s comment! This challenge really helped me figure out what kinds of resources are available in the H Commons repository, as well as how to find resources best suited to my research. To complete the challenge, I decided to look up articles related to my dissertation topic. At first, I wasn’t finding much, but I think it’s because I plugged in very specific terms. But then I started using the “group” and “subject” of the few articles I was interested in to find similar material – this was a very effective strategy! I ended up downloading a handful of articles and a couple of cli-fi/environmental lit syllabi.

      For the second part of the challenge, I uploaded a paper I presented recently in an Edwidge Danticat panel at ALA, which I shared to Postcolonial Studies and the summer camp group.

      The Creative Commons License page was very helpful in understanding the different levels of “protection” of your work online. In fact, thanks to @caitlinduffy49 for explaining things so clearly in each blog post and providing such helpful tips when completing each challenge!

    • #14721

      Mollie Freier

      I was curious about what might have been uploaded that would interest me, and was pleasantly surprised that the list of suggestions based on my profile yielded two documents of interest, a syllabus on a text-mining course taught by a librarian, and an article from the Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication on the challenges to scholarly communication.

      However, I didn’t have much luck with sources on mystery and detective fiction. I tried searching for “cozy” in all fields and got nothing. I then tried “detective fiction,” and got many hits that were of no interest to me. I know that my searches were very broad, but I would like to think that anyone uploading materials on cozy mysteries or detective fiction would have tagged them appropriately. However, I did find a workbook on text analysis that looks very interesting, although “detective fiction” was not mentioned in the table of contents at all, it turns out to be a companion text (maybe–I haven’t really read it yet) for a course whose content includes the “birth of detective fiction.”

      I was very pleased with the documents that were easily found and retrieved; however, I think that my experience reinforces my belief that I need to get my colleagues who do research on mystery and detective fiction to join HC and post their work.

    • #14781

      Caitlin Duffy

      Like the others who commented above me, I was really looking forward to this challenge. While I already have taken advantage of the ability to download content from the CORE Repository (@sarastarbucksantos Yes!- the syllabi available on CORE rock!), I never had the guts to actually upload something myself. I’m not quite sure why that is, but I’m happy this challenge pushed me to put something on here. This way, I can (to borrow the excellent phrasing of @DjGavin) help to “nurture the culture of generosity” already extant on HC. Anyway, my Dracula article is now shared with this group. You can find deposits shared with this (and other) group(s) by clicking on the “From CORE” tab located at the top of the page. This is, by the way, another excellent way to find relevant deposits.

      Yes! We’d love to have more detective fiction scholars over here! Thanks for observing the lack of this area on HC. If any of your colleagues have questions regarding HC or how to join, please point them towards our email (

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by Caitlin Duffy.
    • #14795

      Dana Gavin

      @mollief I write about Sherlock Holmes whenever possible — but the paper I am preparing to upload is about a Holmesian video game. I haven’t delivered a paper on the Doyle stories yet, but as soon as I do, I hope to help populate the field.

      I look forward to reading your Dracula article! Right up my alley.

      I’ve uploaded my vis rhet paper that I presented at NeMLA; I hope to put up my Holmes paper shortly. I feel extra pressure to review to typos and other gems lurking about…

    • #14866

      Eliseo Jacob

      I was interested to see how this challenge would go since I had never used the CORE repository before.  While I was able to find several articles related to my theoretical interests in the public sphere, I noticed that there was not a lot of articles and other documents related to Latin America and Brazil.  Hopefully, with time more scholars will find out the CORE repository since I do think it is a great way to share and discover articles, syllabi and other materials related to my research and teaching interests.

      Since my research is on contemporary Brazilian literature and its relationships to the public sphere, I plan on uploading shortly a paper I presented recently at the College Language Association conference on the role of counterpublics in the literary productions coming out of the urban periphery of São Paulo, Brazil.

    • #14927

      Charlie Gleek

      I appreciate this challenge largely because I’ve been remiss in mining the CORE for my research. Additionally, I’ve been thinking about using the CORE for teaching introductory lessons on bibliography and research, especially in pointing students towards the strengths and limitations of databases and archives. I’ve previously uploaded every piece of my writing that’s beyond the initial draft stage, so instead, I’ll shamelessly plug the syllabus for the “Writing History: 19th Century African Amerian Activism” course that I’m teaching this fall. Your feedback is warmly appreciated. Finally, I’m looking forward to reading work by fellow summer campers @adonlon and  @brigfield in between grading Freshman Comp papers this week.


    • #14935

      Lisa L. Tyler

      I am still trying to get permission to share some of my published work in CORE, but meanwhile I found an excellent article in CORE that might be of interest to many current and aspiring academics:  Devoney Looser’s essay “Me and My Shadow C.V.,” about the many failures and rejections we have to face in submitting conference proposals, publishing essays, and applying for grants.  I found it weirdly encouraging–it would never have occurred to me to apply for the same grant eight times.  I need to apply for more grants and be more persistent!

    • #14980

      Nina Lager Vestberg

      I have previously found CORE useful for syllabus inspiration, and I’ve also found a few research articles of interest. This challenge prompted me to have another root around, and I’ve just downloaded two new articles on issues of digitisation that look highly relevant to the book project I’m working on. As for uploading material of my own, I still haven’t managed to work out what to share, and what rights clearance might be needed.

      On an unrelated note, the news about the Neoliberal Fiction group posted to an earlier challenge in summer camp prompted me to encourage another colleague to join Humanities Commons, so I hope that “contribution” makes up a little bit for my failings in fulfilling this one…

    • #15073

      Mollie Freier

      Finally got up the nerve to upload my book proposal for  Book ‘Em: Libraries, Librarians, and Information in Mystery Fiction, 1970-2018. I hope to get this item (with a sample chapter) submitted by the end of the month.

      I realized that we need to add more subject headings in detective fiction–there’s a subject heading for Golden Age, but not for cozies or for hard-boiled novels.


      • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Mollie Freier.
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