Dedicated to the history of the Low Countries (current Belgium, The Netherlands and Luxemburg with adjecant territories) from the middle ages to the present.
Peter van Druenen deposited CLIO’S ABACUS (On the Arrival of the Annales School in the Netherlands and the Development of Historical Arithmetic) in the group History of the Low Countries on Humanities Commons 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Clios’Abacus is an intriguing exploration in literature into the way quantitative historical research in the Netherlands over the past half-century has been shaped, largely based on outdated and never updated source material. In the background, the implementation of ideas from the French Annales School (Febvre, Braudel, Le Roy Ladurie, among o…[Read more]
Danielle Skjelver started the topic Call for Peer Reviewers in the discussion History of the Low Countries on Humanities Commons 4 years, 10 months ago
The History of Applied Science & Technology Open Access Textbook editors seek peer reviewers for all regions and all periods.
Steven Van Impe deposited Met intelligentie en kracht, maar ook met vallen en opstaan. Zuid-Nederlandse drukkers aan de basis van het zeventiende-eeuwse krantenbedrijf in Wenen in the group History of the Low Countries on Humanities Commons 6 years ago
It is well known that early modern printers had international networks and were often mobile. A lot has been written about printers from the Southern Netherlands who, for confessional or economical reasons, migrated to the Dutch Republic and helped shape the Dutch Golden Age. Much less attention has been paid to printers who moved in other…[Read more]
Steven Van Impe deposited De Antwerpse uitgever en courantier Maarten Binnart (ca. 1590–ca. 1653). Met een fondslijst in the group History of the Low Countries on Humanities Commons 6 years ago
This article describes the life and work of Antwerp printer and newspaper publisher Maarten Binnart. Born in Thuringen and raised a Lutheran, he converted to Catholicism during or shortly after his studies at the University of Jena. He moved to Antwerp and worked for the Plantin firm as a corrector for twenty years. While working there, he…[Read more]
Steven Van Impe created the group History of the Low Countries on Humanities Commons 6 years, 5 months ago