This group has been created for individuals interested in language teaching, environmental humanities, and sustainability studies. It supplements the book Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment (2019) in the MLA series Teaching Languages, Literatures, and Culture.
Yung-Tse Hung deposited Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association (OCEESA) Report, Regular Issue, February 2020 in the group Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment on Humanities Commons 4 years ago
This OCEESA report, which is regular issue of OCEESA Journal (Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers and Scientists Association Journal). This report is OCEESA report number: OCEESA/JL-2020/3701, February 2020, ISSN 1072 -7248. This report is also OCEESA Journal, Volume 37, Number 1, February 2020. Yung-Tse Hung, Permanent Executive Director,…[Read more]
Wai Man Adrienne Lew deposited From Language Aptitude to Implicit Language Aptitude: A Discussion of Definitional Issues in the group Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment on Humanities Commons 4 years, 1 month ago
Linguistic geniuses such as Heinrich Schliemann have long fascinated many with their exceptional capabilities to master multiple languages on top of their own mother tongues. These individuals are believed to be able to extract the probabilistic, abstract patterns underlying a target form’s linguistic and frequency distribution in second l…[Read more]
Ana M. Lopez-Aguilera started the topic Call for Fiction in Spanish / Ecofeminist Fiction in Spanish in the discussion Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment on Humanities Commons 4 years, 11 months ago
Call for Fiction in Spanish
We invite submissions for an compilation of fictional texts in Spanish on the topic of Ecofeminism under the provisional title of Ecofeminist Fictions in Spanish/Ficciones ecofeministas en el contexto hispano. This volume is open to any genre: poems, comics, vignettes, short stories, etc. For longer genres (novels,…[Read more]
Lawrence K Wang deposited ABASTECIMENTO de AGUA e REMOCAO de RESIDUOS in the group Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment on Humanities Commons 5 years ago
Nazih Shammas, Lawrence K. Wang, Luiz Claudio de Queiroz Faria, and Marco Aurelio Chaves Ferro (2013), ABASTECIMENTO de AGUA e REMOCAO de RESIDUOS (Spanish). Water Supply and Wastewater Removal — Water and Wastewater Engineering. Third Edition. 751 pages, Livros Tecnicos e Cientificos Editora Ltda (LTC) Grupo Editorial Nacional (GEN),…[Read more]
Lawrence K Wang deposited TRATAMIENTO de los RESIDUOS de la INDUSTRIA del PROCESADO de ALIMENTOS in the group Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment on Humanities Commons 5 years ago
Wang, Lawrence K, Hung, Yung-Tse, Lo, Howard H, Yapijakis, Constantine and Ribas, Alberto lbarz (2008). TRATAMIENTO de los RESIDUOS de la INDUSTRIA del PROCESADO de ALIMENTOS (Spanish). Waste Treatment in the Food Processing Industry. Editorial ACRIBIA, S. A.,, Apartado 466, 50080, Zaragoza, Espana. 398 pages. ISBN 978-84-200-1103-5…[Read more]
María José de la Fuente started the topic Call for Essay Proposals in the discussion Foreign Language Teaching and the Environment on Humanities Commons 5 years, 1 month ago
Call for Essay Proposals for Volume on Sustainability-based Foreign Language Teaching and Learning, to be edited by Prof. María J. de la Fuente (The George Washington University) and pending review by Routledge. Outside the field of Foreign Language (FL) education, teaching and learning about sustainability has been advocated by organizations…[Read more]