For people interested in feminist approaches to humanities subjects
Gabriela Méndez Cota deposited Reverse Scholarship as Solidarity After Progress in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 4 months, 1 week ago
Is there a universal consensus among scholars regarding what counts as ‘progress’ in scholarly quality assessment through academic publishing? While consensus among scholars seems unlikely given the diversity of contexts and disciplines in which scholarship takes place, the higher education institutions on which most scholars depend, inc…[Read more]
Meredith Warren deposited There Was a Man Who Had Two Sons: A Parable of Futurity, Reproductivity, Utopia, and Social Death in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 4 months, 1 week ago
Few of the parables found in the gospels have received more attention than the parable of the man with two sons, commonly known as the parable of the Prodigal Son. In this paper, I argue that discourses of queer futurity can help make new sense of the parable, highlighting its use of family structures and its assumptions about time, and attending…[Read more]
Scout Calvert deposited Situated Data: Feminist Epistemology and Data Curation in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 4 months, 2 weeks ago
Open science seeks to improve the reliability of science by making it possible to share tools and products of research, including data, more readily. Data sharing is said to promote scientific transparency, maximize the value of federal research support, create opportunities for reanalysis and reuse, discourage fraud, and provide a means for…[Read more]
Sonia D. Andras deposited Sonia D. Andras – Negotiations En Vogue: Interwar Romanian Women as Fashion Icons Represented in American Vogue (Conference Presentation, 2023) in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 5 months, 1 week ago
Presentation of the paper “Negotiations En Vogue: Interwar Romanian Women as Fashion Icons Represented in American Vogue” from 15 June 2023 at the @EDERAPCE Conference Titled “Romanian American Negotiations in Education, Science, Culture, and Arts/Negocierile româno-americane în educație, știință, cultură și artă” [See details: https://eder…[Read more]
Gavin Herzig deposited Time Heals All Wounds: The Time Loop Beyond Groundhog Day, Disability, and Higurashi Gou and Sotsu (2020-21) in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 5 months, 2 weeks ago
Linear time is out of joint with and oppressive to alternate bodies, minds, and lives in a plethora of ways. In recent years, critical interventions such as Alison Kafer’s crip time and Elizabeth Freeman’s chrononormativity have revealed the oppressive force of time on marginalised groups. The time loop structure inherently complicates the lin…[Read more]
Meredith Warren deposited Queer Futures and Phallic Humour in the Book of Esther in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 7 months ago
In ancient Hebrew, the word for “hand” can also refer metaphorically to personal power—or be innuendo for the phallus. This observation serves as a key to the many appearances of “hands” in the book of Esther, from the king’s superlative “hand” to the ever-active “hands” of eunuchs. This abundance of hands has an ironic significance, alter…[Read more]
Meredith Warren deposited Queer Futures and Phallic Humour in the Book of Esther in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 7 months ago
In ancient Hebrew, the word for “hand” can also refer metaphorically to personal power—or be innuendo for the phallus. This observation serves as a key to the many appearances of “hands” in the book of Esther, from the king’s superlative “hand” to the ever-active “hands” of eunuchs. This abundance of hands has an ironic significance, alter…[Read more]
Gabriela Méndez Cota deposited Los zulos de la inclusión: reconocimiento, resentimiento y un paso atrás in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 7 months ago
Este ensayo relaciona, por una parte, el pensamiento inclusivo con la cuestión moral del reconocimiento y, por otra, con el problema existencial del resentimiento y la técnica en la globalización híper-industrial. Se contrastan e integran perspectivas como las de Anne Phillips, Axel Honneth, María Pía Lara, Bernard Stiegler y Cynthia Fleury, para…[Read more]
Gabriela Méndez Cota deposited Los zulos de la inclusión: reconocimiento, resentimiento y un paso atrás in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 7 months ago
Este ensayo relaciona, por una parte, el pensamiento inclusivo con la cuestión moral del reconocimiento y, por otra, con el problema existencial del resentimiento y la técnica en la globalización híper-industrial. Se contrastan e integran perspectivas como las de Anne Phillips, Axel Honneth, María Pía Lara, Bernard Stiegler y Cynthia Fleury, para…[Read more]
Faizat Oladunni Asifat deposited Beyond Western Hegemony: Empowering African Voices in Knowledge Production: Critical Scholarships and Questions in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months ago
This essay aligns with broader discussions among scholars committed to advancing African knowledge and advocating for the centering of African perspectives. It acknowledges and discusses three impactful works by African scholars, emphasizing the transformative potential of African scholarship, the emergence of theories from the African community,…[Read more]
C. Ren Morton deposited Warning: Capitalism has priced out motherhood. Get ready to sell your womb. in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months ago
The 4B worldwide movement has captivated the attention of many feminists and childfree women. The 4B movement calls for the refusal to date, marry, have sex with, or birth children for men. Starting in South Korea in 2019, the movement has quickly spread around the world. The 4B movement in the U.S. adds momentum from the legacy of the childfree…[Read more]
Shannon Burth deposited Can media literacy be decolonial? A postcolonial, feminist critique of the film ‘Killers of the Flower Moon’ (2023) in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months ago
In this unpublished work, I set out to critically analyze the film ‘Killers of the Flower Moon.’ The purpose is to begin developing a framework that incorporates feminist, post-colonial critique into critical media literacy practices. While this is the first attempt to do so, this blog entry lays the groundwork for what this could look like in practice.
Amanda Kingston deposited Embodying Settler Memory: Elementary Oklahoma Land Run Re-Enactments in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months, 1 week ago
In this previously unpublished scholarship, I hope to unpack the question of how land is narrated in K-12 spaces through the settler memory using the elementary Land Run reenactments as a case study. While this project is situated as part of my larger dissertation work, what I hope to offer here is how I am thinking about settler memory as an…[Read more]
Christopher Griffin deposited Colonial Cisnationalism: Notes on Empire and Gender in the UK’s Migration Policy in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months, 1 week ago
Since 2023, the UK government’s response to the “migrant crisis” has revolved around two controversial flagship policies: the deportation of asylum seekers to Rwanda, and the detention of migrants aboard a giant barge. In this short article, I examine the colonial and gendered dimensions of the two policies, finding them to be examples of the col…[Read more]
Erin Lane deposited Uncovering and Showcasing the Work of a 19th Century Botanist and Educator using Digital Humanities Tools in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months, 1 week ago
Almira Hart Lincoln Phelps, one of the most influential botanists in the nineteenth century, grew to significance through her efficient leadership in the classroom as an educator, and through her widely successful writings on almost every scientific subject. Faced with alarmingly few resources for teaching botany, Phelps compiled her lesson plans,…[Read more]
Behnam M. Fomeshi deposited برابریخواهی جنسیتی در شعر پروین اعتصامی؟ in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months, 1 week ago
در بررسی شعر فمنیستی فارسی معمولاً به نام فروغ فرخزاد، سیمین بهبهانی، طاهره قرهالعین، زندخت شیرازی و اخیراً ژاله عالمتاج قائممقامی برمیخوریم و نام پروین اعتصامی (1285-1320ش) در چنین مباحثی مطرح نمیشود. آنچه پژوهشگران تا به اکنون دربارۀ شعر او در کانون توجه قرار دادهاند جنبههای اجتماعی اشعار این شاعر و تلاش وی برای به تصویر کشیدن…[Read more]
Pramod Ranjan deposited वह प्लटॉनिक प्रेम [Her Platonic Muse] in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months, 1 week ago
यह संस्मरण प्रमोद रंजन द्वारा लिखित है। प्रमोद रंजन ने हिमाचल प्रदेश में रहकर कई वर्षों तक पत्रकारिता की। इस संस्मरण में हिमाचल प्रदेश से प्रकाशित दैनिक समाचार पत्र ‘दिव्य हिमाचल’ में उनकी सहकर्मी रही प्रिया आनंद और प्रसिद्ध हिंदी लेखक कमलेश्वर के बीच प्रेम का चित्रण है।
इसमें प्रिया आनंद के प्लेटोनिक प्रेम की कहानी को विस्तार से बत…[Read more]
Pramod Ranjan deposited टिकुली : प्रमोद रंजन की कविताएं [Tikuli: Poems by Pramod Ranjan] in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 9 months, 1 week ago
आलोचक प्रमोद रंजन ने अपने लेखन के शुरुआती दिनों में कविताएं भी लिखीं, जो तत्कालीन चर्चित पत्रिकाओं – कथन, विपाशा, जन विकल्प आदि में प्रकाशित हुईं। गौरतलब है कि प्रमोद रंजन बिहार के रहने वाले हैं।
उनकी टिकुली शीर्षक कविता रमेश उपाध्याय द्वारा संपादित ‘कथन’ पत्रिका के जुलाई-सितंबर, 2005 अंक में प्रकाशित हुई थी। कवि प्रमोद रंजन टिकुली क…[Read more]
Urmi Parekh deposited Chapter Review for Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein’s ‘Data Feminism’ in the group Feminist Humanities on Humanities Commons 10 months, 1 week ago
This is a chapter review of Catherine D’Ignazio and Lauren Klein’s Data Feminism – Chapter 4: What Gets Counted Counts.
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