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Gary Hall deposited ‘How To Be A Pirate: An Interview with Alexandra Elbakyan and Gary Hall by Holger Briel’ in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 10 months, 3 weeks ago
From the opening: ‘When Michael, Markus, and I first discussed the idea for publishing
this book, it was very clear to us that we did not want to write yet
another theoretical book on Internet piracy; practitioners from the
field should also have a voice. After all, it is they who created this
phenomenon in the first place and it is clearly…[Read more] -
Seo-Young Chu deposited Differentially Unwell: On Mimi Khúc’s “dear elia” in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 11 months ago
[…] Inviting readers to reclaim the stigma of unwellness and collectively to “tend to our unwellness, together,” Khúc approaches unwellness as a crucial resource for subverting the “wellness and unwellness” dichotomy entirely. After all, the opposite of “wellness” is not “unwellness”; the opposite of “wellness” does not exist. The oppositio…[Read more]
Rebecca Ruth Gould deposited The Translatability of Love: The Romance Genre and the Prismatic Reception of Jane Eyre in Twentieth-Century Iran in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 1 year, 1 month ago
This chapter examines how twentieth century Iranian readers situated Jane Eyre within the classical genre of romance literature (adabiyāt-i ʿāshiqāna), originating from the tradition of love narratives in verse (ʿishq-nāma) pioneered by the twelfth century Persian poet Nizami Ganjevi. While romance is only one among several of the original Jane…[Read more]
Gabriela Méndez Cota deposited Vida y usos de la publicación académica: por una edición filosófica vernácula y feminista in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 1 year, 3 months ago
La publicación académica no ha sido objeto de reflexión filosófica, pese a que en las formas que toma actualmente este artefacto cultural está en juego la posibilidad misma de la filosofía, al menos en tanto práctica profesional en el contexto de una economía capitalista del conocimiento. En este capítulo buscamos ofrecer una aproxima…[Read more]
Pramod Ranjan deposited भला क्यों बची रहनी चाहिए किताबें? in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 1 year, 9 months ago
पुस्तकों के अस्तित्व पर केंद्रित प्रमोद रंजन की यह टिप्प्णी पटना से प्रकाशित दैनिक प्रभात खबर में 12 दिसंबर, 2006 को प्रकाशित हुई थी। टिप्पणी से पता लगता है कि उस समय पटना में पुस्तक मेल लगा हुआ था और उसके उपलक्ष्य में प्रभात खबर विशेष पृष्ठ प्रकाशित कर रहा था, जिसमें यह टिप्प्णी प्रकाशित हुई थी।
इस टिप्पणी में कहा गया है किएक माध्यम…[Read more]
Lawrence K Wang deposited MY CHILDHOOD, FAMILY, EARLY EDUCATION, FATE ENCOUNTER AND EYE-WITNESS OF CHINA 我 的 童 年, 家 世, 早 年 教 育, 人 生 際 遇 , 及 見 証 改 朝 換 代 in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 1 month ago
Wang, Puchen 王 蒲 臣 (2023). My childhood, family, early education, fate encounter and eye-witness of China, In: “Global Humanities and Liberal Arts ”, Wang, L. K. 王 抗 曝 (editor). 86 p. 2023(1), Lenox Institute Press,MA, USA. ………………ABSTRACT: General Wang Puchen 王 蒲 臣, the author, was the classmate of Dai Li 戴 笠, Mao Renfeng 毛 人…[Read more]
Lawrence K Wang deposited REMEMBERING MY PARENTS, WIFE AND GENERAL DAI LI 回 憶 父 母 , 愛 妻 及 戴 笠 將 軍 in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 1 month ago
Wang, Puchen 王 蒲 臣 (2022). Remembering My Parents, Wife and General Dai Li, In: “Global Humanities and Liberal Arts (GHLA)”, Wang, Lawrence K. 王 抗 曝 (editor). GHLA-VOL2022-NUM12-DEC2022. 40 pages. 2022(12), December 12 2022, Lenox Institute Press, Massachusetts, USA. https://doi.org/10.17613/3aha-wy45 ……. ABSTRACT: Major General…[Read more]
Gabriela Méndez Cota started the topic CfP Teknokultura in the discussion Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 3 months ago
CfP Special Issue of Teknokultura https://revistas.ucm.es/index.php/TEKN/nextissues
As open access policies have become assimilated to the commercial dynamics of academic knowledge production and circulation, publishing processes in the academic setting have emerged as strategic spaces where to explore new styles of research and social…[Read more]
Martins Uze E. Tugbokorowei deposited Obiorah Momife and the Sojourn of Garlands in a Tempestuous World: A Review of So Far Away, Eyes of the One Who Loves and Where Two Roads Meet by Obiorah Momife in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 3 months ago
A review of three poetry collections by Obiorah Momife titled So Far Away, Eyes of the One Who Loves and Where Two Roads Meet. The three books contain some of the most pungent poems penned by any poet in contemporary Nigeria. They are witty and engaging just as they inspire the reader to take steps to change the present decadent situation that…[Read more]
Pramod Ranjan deposited मीडिया में हिस्सेदारी in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 6 months ago
यह पुस्तक बिहार के मीडिया संस्थानों में कार्यरत पत्रकारों की सामाजिक पृष्ठभूमि पर केंद्रित है। इसमें वर्ष 2009 में किया गया वह चर्चित सर्वेक्षण भी शामिल है, जिसमें पाया गया था कि बिहार की पत्रकारिता में फैसला लेने वाले पदों पर एक भी दलित, पिछड़ा, आदिवासी या स्त्री नहीं है।
पुस्तक में कुल छह लेख शामिल हैं। जिनका विवरण निम्नांकित हैं :
1. पिछली…[
Manuel Loyola deposited 200 años después. Los Andes en la encrucijada de las Independencias. Panamá, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Bolivia, Chile, España in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 9 months ago
Entre los años 2020-2022 se han llevado a cabo diversos eventos conmemoratorios de las independencias nacionales, regionales o locales, sin que se haya efectuado un encuentro que los englobara. Este fue el objetivo del Seminario Internacional 200 años después. Los Andes en la encrucijada de las Independencias (Sevilla, diciembre 2021) que ahora da…[Read more]
Manuel Loyola deposited Jorge Insunza Becker. Escritos políticos e ideológicos 1960-2012. Medio siglo de pensamiento comunista, T.4 in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 9 months ago
Jorge Insunza Becker (21 de abril de 1936-17 de marzo de 2019) fue uno de los principales dirigentes del Partido Comunista chileno desde los años 60. Ingresó a las Juventudes Comunistas en 1954. En 1962 fue promovido al Comité Central del PC y desde 1965 fue parte de su Comisión Política, aquella que encabezó el triunfo de Salvador Allende de 19…[Read more]
Manuel Loyola deposited Jorge Insunza Becker. Escritos políticos e ideológicos 1980-2015, T.3 in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 9 months ago
Jorge Insunza Becker (21 de abril de 1936-17 de marzo de 2019) fue uno de los principales dirigentes del Partido Comunista chileno desde los años 60. Ingresó a las Juventudes Comunistas en 1954. En 1962 fue promovido al Comité Central del PC y desde 1965 fue parte de su Comisión Política, aquella que encabezó el triunfo de Salvador Allende de 19…[Read more]
Lawrence K Wang deposited EVOLUTIONARY MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE FOR COMBINATORIAL ALGEBRA III in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 10 months ago
Tsao, Hung-ping (2022). Evolutionary mathematics and science for Combinatorial Algebra III. In: “Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)”, Wang, Lawrence K. and Tsao, Hung-ping (editors). Volume 4, Number 8C, August 2022; 100 pages. Lenox Institute Press, MA, USA. No. STEAM-VOL4-NUM8C-AUG2022; ISBN…[Read more]
Kathleen Fitzpatrick deposited Dissertating in Public in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 2 years, 10 months ago
Kathleen Fitzpatrick analyses the sudden isolation graduate students find themselves in during the dissertation process. In the humanities, she observes, graduate students are regularly habituated into an anxiety of intellectual independence whereby sharing ideas, collaboration and publishing work in progress is to be considered suspect and…[Read more]
Gabriela Méndez Cota deposited Filosofía pirata y trabajo editorial in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 3 years, 5 months ago
This is an edited volume of essays on philosophy as university work and as a ‘pirate condition’. Taking inspiration from Gary Hall’s pirate philosophy, and from raúl rodríguez freire’s critique of the contemporary condition of the intellectual, three Mexican authors reflect on what it means to do philosophy today from the perspective of the m…[Read more]
Tsao, Hung-ping 曹恆平 (2021). Evolutionary mathematics and science for Ultimate Generalization of Lah Numbers/(Binomial Coefficients): Sums/(Alternate Sums) of Orthogonal Products of Stirling Numbers. In: “Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)”, Wang, Lawrence K. 王抗曝 and Tsao, Hung-ping 曹恆平 (edito…[Read more]
Lawrence K Wang deposited DEDICATION TO DR. LIANG-CHI TSAO FOR HIS CONTRIBUTIONS IN TAIWAN EDUCATION AND EVOLUTIONARY MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
Tsao, Hung-ping 曹恆平 (2021). Dedication to Dr. Liang-Chi Tsao for His Contributions in Taiwan Education and Evolutionary Mathematics and Science. In: “Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)”, Wang, Lawrence K. 王抗曝 and Tsao, Hung-ping 曹恆平 (editors). Volume 3, Number 5, May 2021; 387 pages. Lenox…[Read more]
Lawrence K Wang deposited EVOLUTIONARY MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE FOR GENERAL FAMOUS NUMBERS: STIRLING-EULER-LAH-BELL in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 3 years, 9 months ago
We first introduce Pascal, Stirling, Eulerian, Lah and Bell numbers via sorting, then generalize Stirling numbers of both kinds [■(n@k)], {■(n@k)}, Eulerian numbers of two orders 〈■(n@k)〉, 〈〈■(n@k)〉 〉, Lah numbers L(n,k)=∑_(j=1)^n▒[■(n@j)] {■(j@k)} and ∑_(k=0)^(n-1)▒〖2^k 〈■(n@k)〉 〗=∑_(k=1)^n▒(∑_(j-1)^(k+1)▒[■(k+1@j)] )…[Read more]
Lawrence K Wang deposited EVOLUTIONARY MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCE FOR GENERAL POWERED SUMS OF NUMBERS in the group Digital Books on Humanities Commons 3 years, 9 months ago
Tsao, Hung-ping 曹恆平 (2021 ). Evolutionary mathematics and science for General Powered Sums of Numbers. In: “Evolutionary Progress in Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics (STEAM)”, Wang, Lawrence K. 王抗曝 and Tsao, Hung-ping 曹恆平 (editors). Volume 3, Number 2, February 2021; 70 pages. Lenox Institute Press, Newtonville, NY,…[Read more]
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