This space is the repository for the papers, presentations (slides, videos, etc) that will form the basis of the CSDH-SCHN 2021 online conference, to take place May 30-June 3rd.
Thobias Sarbunan deposited Language Choices Mirror in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 1 year, 9 months ago
Elsevier’s “TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION: An International Journal of
Research and Studies” (TEACHING AND TEACHER EDUCATION: An International
Journal of Research and Studies, 2023) is the source for the following explanation of
the language characteristic of a scientific article. -
Thobias Sarbunan deposited The Guidance Material for Music Arts Education Study Program Students’ Research Proposals (Using Multicase Case Studies) in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 1 year, 10 months ago
This dataset guides a final-year student in completing a research project at XAVERIUS
High School Ambon, located in Maluku Province, Indonesia. The research focuses on
educators’ expertise in teaching music at the senior high school level. This dataset is
intended to aid students in revising proposals previously examined in…[Read more] -
Thobias Sarbunan deposited Harmony of Body and Soul: Who Educates and is Educated in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 2 years ago
The basic psychology course covered the focus group discussion that was the basis for this study’s
backdrop. The three groups of students debated the three topics, which included educational psychology
from the level of basic education programs through senior secondary education [general and vocational]
in the Indonesian educational system.…[
Thobias Sarbunan deposited What happens if the Globe Going Down and Dark? (How Can Education Breath) in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 2 years ago
Since the global society and existence cycle constantly runs with unpredictable causes and nuance, i.e., social class segregation is always in front of both modest and powerful nations, it even changes quickly with the scheme fluctuation and being dynamic.
Thobias Sarbunan deposited Steps to Make Something but the Text is Telling to do (SO PAY ATTENTION AND DO IT) in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 2 months ago
A part of ELT lecturing data, not for commercial.
Dominic Hardy deposited Présentation du Laboratoire numérique des études en histoire de l’art du Québec (LANEHAQ) 1 juin 2021 – congrès CSDH / SCHN in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
This is a strictly descriptive paper that summarizes the LANEHAQ for presentation and discussion at the CSHDS conference, session Humanités numériques au Québec
David Ogborn deposited JSoLangs: ephemeral esolangs in a collaborative live coding environment in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
This paper documents the initial stages of an experiment in creating ephemeral live coding languages – “JSoLangs” – for diverse artistic, educational, and critical purposes. The experiment takes place in the context of the larger Estuary project: a browser-based, collaborative platform that allows multiple, distinct live coding not…[Read more]
Rachel Milio deposited “Public and Private” Performer Journeys Across London in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
The named places in REED London are more than just points on a map. We can use them to understand patterns in where performances were more or less likely to occur. But spatial information can lead to more surprising discoveries about performances that expand beyond a single location, and help us rethink who would have witnessed something…[Read more]
Sarah Ketchley deposited The Emma B. Andrews Diary Project: Tools and Techniques for Managing a Virtual Undergraduate DH Internship Program in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
The video recording of the presentation is available here:
The end of the 19th and early 20th centuries saw great archaeological activity in Egypt, a period that came to be known as the ‘Golden Age’ of Egyptology. Our digital project began in 2010 with the unpublished diaries of Mrs. Emma B. Andrews, who tra…[Read more]
Antoine Fauchié deposited Écriture et édition scientifiques avec l’éditeur de texte Stylo / Scientific writing and editing with the text editor Stylo in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
Conçu pour transformer le flux de travail numérique des revues scientifiques dans le domaine des sciences humaines et sociales, Stylo ( est un outil pensé pour offrir une chaîne éditoriale complète et continue de la rédaction à la publication pour les chercheur·e·s et les étudiant·e·s, en évitant la perte de données et de…[Read more]
Ken Alba created the doc Gender Analysis Toolkit Presentation in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
Annie T. Chen created the doc Diary 49 Dataset in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
Diane Jakacki deposited Space, Scale, and Scope in the Linked Dataverse: LINCS and the Map of Early Modern London—REED London Online Alignment Project in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
A key goal of the LINCS project (Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship) is to create pathways between datasets while preserving both the nuances intrinsic to humanities data and the research questions that have produced diverse datasets. Our work of aligning the gazetteers of the Map of Early Modern London and REED London Online…[Read more]
Kim Martin deposited Linking Communities of Practice in the group CSDH-SCHN 2021: Making the Network on Humanities Commons 3 years, 8 months ago
The term community of practice (CoP) has been applied to segments of work in the digital humanities in numerous ways over the years: as library training initiatives (Green 2014), as work around a specific encoding practice (Flanders and Jannidis 2015), and even to the DH community as a whole (Siemens 2016). This term, coined in 1991, was…[Read more]
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