For those interested in the study of comics. This includes graphic novels, comic strips, cartoons, and other forms of graphic narrative/storytelling etc.

Deadline Extended for the Conjuring a New Normal Special Collection [15/01/2023]

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    • #61784

      Ernesto Priego

      Call for Papers: Conjuring a New Normal: Monstrous Routines and Mundane Horrors  in Pandemic Lives and Dreamscapes. A Special Collection for The Comics Grid: Journal of Comics Scholarship.

      Special Collection Editors: Alexandra Alberda, Anna Feigenbaum, Julia Round (Bournemouth University, UK). With support from the journal editorial team.

      Extended Deadline (full papers): 15th January 2023.

      Publication: Summer 2023.

      This special collection will focus on the COVID-19 pandemic in contemporary comics and explore medium-specific potentials and limits in conveying these. The pandemic has revealed ominous and unnerving risks previously buried in our everyday events and lives. It has changed the ways we congregate for rituals like wedding and funerals and altered mundane routines from supermarket shopping to getting haircuts. A constant spectre of debt and fears of losing both loved ones and livelihoods – homes, jobs and social lives – lurk behind any attempt at building a new normal. Meanwhile, collective anxiety and living in constant states of uncertainty have led to the mass disruption of sleep patterns as we are haunted by future worries and the ghosts of past traumas.

      We invite submissions that explore how comics and their creators have attempted to convey the strangeness and experience of these times.

      Read the full call for papers including potential themes at

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