Scholars working on languages, history and archaeology of Mesopotamia and surrounding regions
Jonathan Valk deposited Who are the Arameans? A Selective Re-examination of the Cuneiform Evidence for the Earliest Arameans in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 9 months ago
This study challenges the 19th-century nationalist assumptions that have informed modern views of Aramean peoplehood in the first half of the first millennium BCE. I revisit the cuneiform sources, which offer the bulk of the existing evidence on the earliest Arameans, and demonstrate that they conceive of Arameans not as a single coherent people,…[Read more]
Jonathan Valk deposited Reflections on the Dynamics of Cuneiform Knowledge Production in the Ancient Near East in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 9 months ago
Very brief overview of the parameters of demand and supply for cuneiform knowledge production.
Ellie Bennett deposited Using Word Embeddings for Identifying Emotions Relating to the Body in a Neo-Assyrian Corpus in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 1 year, 4 months ago
Research into emotions is a developing field within Assyriology, and NLP tools for Akkadian texts offers new perspectives on the data. We use PMI-based word embeddings to explore the relationship between parts of the body and emotions. Using data downloaded from Oracc, we ask which parts of the body were semantically linked to emotions. We do this…[Read more]
Ellie Bennett deposited Beards as a Marker of Status during the Neo-Assyrian Period in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 1 year, 4 months ago
Beards were part of a visual matrix of expressing masculinity during the NeoAssyrian period (ca. 934–612 BCE). But masculinity does not exist in isolation and interacts with other aspects of identity. I will examine the beard as an indicator of masculine status during the Neo-Assyrian period. This will be done through investigating the visual a…[Read more]
Ellie Bennett deposited The ‘Queens of the Arabs’ During the Neo-Assyrian Period in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 1 year, 4 months ago
During the Neo-Assyrian period (approximately 934-612 BCE, based in modern Iraq) the annals and royal inscriptions of several kings mention women with a curious title: ‘Queen of the Arabs’. These women have been included in previous discussions regarding Assyrian interaction with the ‘Arabs’, but a full investigation into their roles as rulers…[Read more]
Ellie Bennett posted an update in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 1 year, 4 months ago
CALL FOR PAPERS: The sixth Gender and Methodology in the Ancient Near East (GeMANE 6) will take place as a hybrid event in Malta 8–11 April, 2024. Check the website ( for more information and the full call for papers text. Deadline for abstracts (300-500 words) is 15th October.
Jonathan Valk deposited Crime and Punishment: Deportation in the Levant in the Age of Assyrian Hegemony in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 2 years ago
Assyrian imperialism is closely associated with the practice of mass deportation. This practice has been explained by recourse to many different motivations. But can we hope to pinpoint the logic informing deportation rather than merely identifying its advantages? This paper surveys the evidence of deportation in the Levant in the period 745–620 B…[Read more]
Lloyd Graham deposited Which Seth? Untangling some close homonyms from ancient Egypt and the Near East in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 3 years, 2 months ago
This paper aims to disambiguate the proper name “Seth” and its cognates or homonyms – perfect or imperfect – in texts from ancient Egypt, the Near East and the Mediterranean. It considers: (1) the Suteans, West Semitic Amorite/Aramean nomads who feature negatively in Mesopotamian records; (2) S(h)eth in the Hebrew bible, in which a dispara…[Read more]
Gina Konstantopoulos deposited “Migrating Demons, Liminal Deities, and Assyria’s Western Campaigns.” in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 3 years, 4 months ago
Demons and monsters are inherently moveable creatures: from the late second millennium BCE onwards a number of demons and monsters migrate from their native Mesopotamian contexts, moving westward. Of course, these figures do not remain static throughout their journey, instead acquiring the characteristics of the different cultural contexts wherein…[Read more]
Henry Colburn deposited Von Silber und Getreide – Zahlungsmittel und Wirtschaft im Achämenidenreich in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 3 years, 5 months ago
A short essay on the different forms of money used in the Achaemenid Persian Empire. Translated into German by Julia Linke.
Lloyd Graham deposited “Bad Shepherds” of the Eastern Delta in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 3 years, 7 months ago
During the 2nd and 1st millennia BCE, the Nile’s Eastern Delta was supposedly the locale of truculent “shepherds” who were inimical to Egypt. These problematic herdsmen seem largely to have been refractions of foreign powers generated by independent etymological confusions, behind which lie the Hyksos and the Assyrians; however, the caric…[Read more]
Lloyd Graham deposited Similarities between North Mesopotamian (Late Halaf), Egyptian (Naqada) and Nubian (A-Group) female figurines of the 6-4th millennia BCE in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 3 years, 11 months ago
Late Halaf female figurines of clay/pottery from northeastern Syria (Type LH.1A; 6th millennium BCE) have close parallels in predynastic Egyptian figurines (4th millennium BCE) in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology. The lack of provenance for the Egyptian statuettes – all of which were purchased – has long inhibited any comparison with the…[Read more]
Jonathan Valk deposited The Eagle and the Snake, or anzû and bašmu? Another Mythological Dimension in the Epic of Etana in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 4 years, 1 month ago
Much of the surviving text of the Epic of Etana tells the story of an eagle and a snake. The eagle and snake are extraordinary creatures, and their story abounds with mythological subtext. This paper argues that the Neo-Assyrian recension of Etana was amended to include explicit references to the eagle and the snake by the names of their…[Read more]
Gina Konstantopoulos deposited Deities, Demons, and Monsters in Mesopotamia. in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 4 years, 6 months ago
Overview of demons and monsters in Mesopotamia, highlighting works in the Yale Babylonian Collection.
Lloyd Graham deposited Iconographic similarities between Permian “goddess plaques” (Ural region, 7-8th centuries CE) and Horus cippi (Egypt, 8th century BCE – 2nd century CE) in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 4 years, 7 months ago
The iconography of the Horus cippus, an amulet popular in Egypt from the late Third Intermediate Period to Roman times (8th century BCE – 2nd century CE), is unexpectedly recapitulated in bronze “goddess plaques” of the 7-8th centuries CE made by Permian peoples – Finno-Ugric groups from the Ural region of northern Eurasia. The likely expla…[Read more]
Gina Konstantopoulos deposited Review of: Jan J. W. Lisman, Cosmogony, Theogony, and Anthropogeny in Sumerian Texts. Vol. 409 of Alter Orient und Altes Testament. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2013. in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 4 years, 9 months ago
Review of: Jan J. W. Lisman, Cosmogony, Theogony, and Anthropogeny in Sumerian Texts. Vol. 409 of Alter Orient und Altes Testament. Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2013. In Rosetta 18 (2015)
Gina Konstantopoulos deposited Review of: Michael B. Hundley, Gods in Dwellings: Temples and Divine Presence in the Ancient Near East, vol. 3 in Writings from the Ancient World Supplements. Bethesda: Society for Biblical Literature Publications, 2013. in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 4 years, 9 months ago
Review of: Michael B. Hundley, Gods in Dwellings: Temples and Divine Presence in the Ancient Near East, vol. 3 in Writings from the Ancient World Supplements. Bethesda: Society for Biblical Literature Publications, 2013. In Rosetta 20 (2017).
Gina Konstantopoulos deposited Inscribed Kassite Cylinder Seals in the Metropolitan Museum. in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 4 years, 10 months ago
Study of inscribed Kassite cylinder seals held in the collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Gina Konstantopoulos deposited Through the Guts of a Beggar: Power, Authority, and the King in Old Babylonian Proverbs. in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 4 years, 10 months ago
Study of Old Babylonian Sumerian proverbs that speak on authority and how those same proverbs may subtly (or not quite so subtly) rebuke the king and established institutions of power.
Gina Konstantopoulos deposited Shifting Alignments: the Dichotomy of Benevolent and Malevolent Demons in Mesopotamia. in the group Assyriologists on Humanities Commons 4 years, 10 months ago
A study of the nature of the udug and lama figures as seen in Mesopotamian (primarily Old Babylonian) incantations, as well as an overview of the nature of demons in Mesopotamia.
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